"Blessed are those who
hunger and thirst
for righteousness,
for they shall be
~Jesus Christ
Matthew 5:6
I read this verse and my heart leaps within me--satisfied--I want to be satisfied!
Other versions use the word 'filled'.
Satisfied. Filled.
Two words that are so elusive, yet so real. Two words that many will spend every last penny and every last breath searching feverishly for, and yet never actually obtain it.
Ask those in Hollywood. Money. Cars. Fame. Physical trainers. Personal chefs. Silicone. Collagen. Spouse. Another Spouse. Yet another spouse. Still...that emptiness remains.
It is almost as though we were created for something more than this earth can even offer.
When there are people that have everything and yet still feel as though they come up short, is it even possible to be satisfied? Is it possible to be filled? 'Filled' insinuates there is no room for anything more. No room and no need. Is that possible when confined to earth?
Many would say no.
Jesus says yes.
But...there's a condition. Satisfaction and fulfillment don't come when we hunger and thirst for love, or knowledge, or happiness, or friendship. Satisfaction and fulfillment are embodied in the intense craving for righteousness.
When we crave righteousness we crave the very person and being of God. Romans 3:10 tells us that there is "no one that is righteous, no, not one." When we hunger--long for--righteousness, we confess that our hunger and thirst extend beyond any capacity of man and rest only in the person of God.
Hunger and thirst. Two warning signals that are built into the human brain alerting us of a physical need that if not met, we will meet the grave. Our bodies can not live on Twinkies and Edy's Grand (although there are moments I am convinced otherwise). God created our bodies to crave nutrition, not junk. When we fill our bodies with the other, not only are we not satisfied, but the cravings for more junk intensify and we end up overweight and undernourished.
Our souls are the same way. We were created for God (Genesis 1,2) and our souls crave the very person of God and the righteousness of God. There is nothing that will fill that void. We can spend our lives trying but we will come up empty every time. Every time.
But, the story doesn't end there. Jesus Christ promises that all that hunger and thirst for righteousness will be satisfied. He didn't say, "only those that I find worthy," or "only those that have lived good lives..." No. "Blessed are those..." the only criteria? We hunger and thirst. When we hunger and thirst, we are admitting that we are unable to meet our need and something--Someone--outside of ourselves must intervene.
Are you tired of striving? Are you tired of trying to make sense of nonsense? Comfort from pain? Order from chaos? Fulfillment from the transient? Jesus Christ also said, "Come to me, ALL who are weary and heavy laden, and I WILL give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)
When our hearts sincerely express a hunger and thirst for righteousness and the righteous person of God, He has promised to satisfy.
Won't you come, taste and see that the Lord is good?
Come. Be filled.
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