Friday, May 27, 2011

weekly gratitude

the first blossoms on my new apple trees have arrived!
In many ways, this week has been a hard one for me.
I have taken a few walks with God and wept with Him as I have quoted Scripture and allowed it's truth to penetrate my soul.
God is not thrown off by life's twists and turns the way I am...
He is faithful and completely in control--
that alone is cause for celebration!
And so, in the wake of the week I had, I will take a moment to say thanks...

~the first buds on my apple trees have come
~4 day weekends!!
~green grass (and the fact it looks even greener against the gray sky)
~another completed school year (as of Monday--Yay!!) 
~'Cars' bandaids
~like minded people
~rice bowls with cilantro lime rice
~unexpected words of encouragement
~the incredible friendships shared between my children
~three wonderful men I have in my life: 
brilliant husband
great dad
sweet son

Here's to a long weekend of rest and work, laughter and prayer. 
I wish you so much laughter your stomach hurts, 
abundant fellowship that fills your cup to overflowing,
and lots of exercise to make muscles you didn't know you had a bit sore. 
Happy weekend!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

an unforgettable announcement

"Greetings, O favored one,
the Lord is with you!
Do not be afraid, Mary for you have found favor with God."
~Angel Gabriel
Luke 1:28,30

Luke 1 is packed full of life changing truth that sits subtly in the pages of the New Testament, waiting to be claimed and held on to. 

We start out with Zechariah and Elizabeth--a righteous and upright couple that walked blamelessly. 
In spite of their righteousness however, God had yet to answer their desperate plea for a child. 
For Elizabeth, this plea was not only born of desire to be a mother, but there was much reproach on behalf of culture and society towards women that were barren. Bearing a child gave value, worth and purpose to women. Elizabeth, by all measures of society, had none of the above. 
Yet, she continued to live blamelessly. 
She refused to let anger, doubt or self pity swallow her. 
She continued to present her requests, her pain and her desires before the throne of a God she knew had a heart of compassion and love towards her. In God's perfect timing, He showed Himself faithful to a woman that continued to call Him such. 
God's timing couldn't have been more perfect. 
John the Baptist, the close relative of Christ and the son of Elizabeth and Zechariah was born just months before our blessed Savior Jesus Christ. As we continue to study the book of Luke, we will see how the lives of these two men were timed together for a very specific reason. 
God's timing is not our timing. 
God's timing is altogether, perfectly good. 

I had to smile as I read the angel's greeting to Mary.
Think about it--he first reminded her of her favor with God. Then he reminded her of God's ever abiding presence. Then, he encouraged her fearful heart by reminding her yet again of God's favor upon her. 
The angel Gabriel was about to make an unbelievable, life altering announcement and knew that Mary would replay this conversation in her head a bazillion times. She needed to hear that God's favor and presence were upon her. 

I don't know about you, but I feel like that. 
I will never forget the moment that the phone call came. 
The announcement was made. 
The bomb was dropped and life was forever different. 
In that moment, God's ever abiding presence was there and I remember it well. 
In spite of scrutiny, pain or unthinkable circumstances (all of which Mary knew well as a result of her announcement), God's favor still rests upon those that embrace Him as Lord of their lives and live to glorify Him regardless of what this earthly life brings our way. 
Her response? 
"Behold, I am the servant of the Lord;
let it be to me according to your word." (v.38)

It wasn't about Mary. 
It wasn't about what Mary could endure.
It was about the Lord she served and the Lord that would sustain her
in spite of the 'scandal' that was about to unfold,
the whispers and sneers of those that failed to believe the miracle
that was underway on their behalf and on the behalf of every sinner to come. 

With haste, Mary departed from her small village and went to the home of her dear relative Elizabeth. It was in the home of Elizabeth and Zechariah that Mary sought a respite from the controversy that surrounded the unborn child growing within her. 
It was in the presence of these blameless people that she found encouragement and the strength of fellowship and belief. 
Elizabeth affirmed Mary for believing that what God had said, Go would do. 
Undoubtedly, Mary replayed the angel's visit in her heart and mind many times over, wondering if she was crazy for believing such a declaration. 
After all, she was just a normal, quiet every day girl. 
The mother-to-be of the Promised Messiah? 
The much anticipated Redeemer coming as a dependent infant? 

So it is with us. 
It is easy to look at our life and try to reconcile the words of God with our perception of reality and the future. 
This can be a nearly impossible task at times as we survey the rampant wickedness, disease, unfairness and uncertainty of life. How in the world can God be seen and glorified through such things? 
It is in those times that we will find our strength and encouragement not only through the power of Scripture, but through the prayers and friendship of fellow believers in Christ. 
God did not call us to walk this road alone. 
We need to pray together, listen to one another and encourage one another with the truth of God's promised and eternal Word of Truth. 

God is faithful. 
God's timing is magnificent and perfectly good. 
God's presence and favor are ever abiding as we abide in Him. 

I pray that you would be encouraged through the words and presence of other God loving people today and that the response of your heart, regardless of the questions, pain or uncertainty would be similar to that of Mary....
"I am a servant of the Lord. 
Let it be according to your word..."


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

a drink from the hose

I love this picture.
I know there are some mothers out there cringing as they see my son drinking from a hose and not a BPA Free cup...oh well. It's the essence of summer.
I drank from the hose and I turned out ok right?
Don't answer that.

Anyway, the whole purpose of this post is to say that summer has arrived at our house and truthfully, this is more exciting than Christmas morning around here.
Where we're from, sun is something we learn to appreciate and flip flops are not something we take for granted.
With that said, my blogging may be a bit inconsistent (as if it hasn't been already, but at least I am forewarning you this time...) as I enjoy my rapidly growing Littles, the sunshine and the warm days.
And an occasional drink from the hose.

Also, I am planning on leading a small group of servant hearted young people on a short term mission trip this summer. As part of this trip, we will be studying the book of Luke over the next 40 days. Because I am firm believer in finishing what has been started I will finish blogging through the first chapter of James, but will also be blogging through Luke. If you would like the reading schedule so you can study along with us, e-mail me at fetteredheart{dot}tce{at}gmail{dot}com. It would be a great blessing to have you study along with us and to hear your insight as well!

blessed summer days to you!

Monday, May 23, 2011

don't be deceived

'Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers.
Every good and perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow due to change.
Of His own will he brought us forth by the word of truth,
that we should be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures.'
James 1: 16-18

I find this warning interesting. 
Often, when I think of warnings in the Bible I think of things like believing false doctrine or falling into adultery. 
Truthfully, the deception of forgetting-- or failing to believe altogether-- the Source of all things--material, spiritual, physical, mental--is a great and subtle trap that will take captive and destroy. It is when we forget Who the giver of all good things is, that we begin to walk a road of pride, self righteousness, doubt, insecurity and human effort. Not only is this road a slippery slope, but it will destroy us and the relationships of those around. Our lives become consumed with self and we forfeit the blessing that comes from acknowledging the Giver as well as living to glorify Him out of humility and gratitude. 
There is so much peace and rest packed into these 27 words. 
Recognizing that He is the Giver and I am merely the steward of His gifts, removes the pressure to earn or deserve that which He gives. 
I deserve nothing but hell. 
I have the potential to earn nothing but exhaustion and feverish toil. 
He gives because He is faithful and He delights in blessing His creation and glorifying Himself through it. 
Knowing, believing and remembering that God does not change is critical to my life as His daughter as I walk the dusty and temporary road of life. 
Everything around me is changing by the moment. Nothing is permanent. Nothing is guaranteed. 
The lives of my children. The health of my husband. The material things of earth. 
All is temporary and is under the curse of sin.
God transcends all of that. 
He is the only Being that is not under The Curse. 
He is not limited to the temporary and fleeting nature of this earth. 
As we journey through life, we are called to hold loosely that which we love and to hold tightly to the promise that God is eternal as is the soul that dwells within us. 
When health fails or life is snuffed out...God remains. 
When the job is eliminated or the rejection unbearable...God remains. 
The depravity of humanity, the hurt and hate of earth...God remains. 
He does not change. He remains. 
By His will He brought us forth. 
By His will, He spoke the lives of our children, spouses, family and friends into being. 
By His will, He called us and covered us by the sacred blood that was spilled on our behalf. 
He cherishes human life above the rest of His creation. 
We have been created in His image. This is to no credit of our own lest pride take root. For He is the giver of all good things. He is the Sustainer of all that is and all that will be.
Every talent, every capacity to understand, serve and do has been given by Him and ought to be used humbly for Him that we may draw others to Him. 
It is not about us, our prosperity, acknowledgement, favor or recognition. 
It is not about doing and receiving, earning and deserving. 
It is about God having favor and generosity for His human creation that does not deserve His goodness, but out of love He gives that we may glorify Him as a result. 

May God be glorified as you humbly acknowledge the Giver of all you have and the Sustainer of all you are. 


Friday, May 20, 2011

weekly gratitude

In spite of a few setbacks this week and a camera forgotten at my in-laws house 350 miles away,
I still have plenty to be thankful for,
including old favorite photos like this one that remind me how fast my babies are growing up. 

~my small town that is full of good people
~early morning runs while the world is still asleep
~push lawn mowers (productive exercise!) 
~grass stains (three cheers for green grass!)
~OxyClean that treats those grass stains with a vengeance
~an unexpected gift given 'From a Friend' just because
~frozen pizza and brownies
~a week off of academics to enjoy bike riding, yard work, the trampoline and the sunshine
~our graduating seniors
~little fingers on piano keys and the beauty that results
~flip flops
~days with no where to go except the park
~the dirt ring around my bathtub
~clean kids exhausted from a hard day's play
~free mulch
~phone calls bearing good news
~the sexy man I get to be married to

happy weekend to you!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

back to James

'Let no one say when he is tempted,
"I am being tempted by God," for God cannot be tempted with evil,
and He himself tempts no one. 
But each person is tempted with he is lured away and enticed by his own desire. Then desire, when it has conceived gives birth to sin,
and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.'
James 1:13-15

It has been an incredible walk through the book of James thus far and I am eager to finish well. 
In order to do that though I must walk through these it goes...

I am no theologian, but I must echo the words of King Solomon in Ecclesiastes, 'There is nothing new under the sun' when I read these verses. 
To me, these verses are shedding a spotlight on a sin that has been around since the dawn of mankind--blame. 
It is no different today than when James penned these words. Two married people 'fall in love' and call it destiny saying they 'can't help the way they feel' therefore it must be right. 
A radical Mormon believer kidnaps a young girl in broad daylight saying that 'God told him to do it...' 
Even so in our own lives through the 'little' sins to overspend, overindulge, overcompensate and fail to do what God has called us to do. We may not blame God directly, but we are directly sinning against God. 

God is completely holy and altogether good in everything He does. He does not tempt with evil simply because there is no evil in Him and He longs for His creation to walk in holiness just as He is holy. 

He does test though. 
We see this in the book of Job. 
'Behold, I go forward and He is not there,
and backward, but I do not find Him;
I look to the left and do not see Him at work;
He turns to the right but I catch to glimpse of Him.
But He knows the way I take;
and when He has tested me,
I shall come forth as gold.'
Job 23:8-10

Job references gold here and there are few pictures of the God that are more beautiful than that of a goldsmith. 
A goldsmith sees the potential beauty in a rough, blemished metal. 
A goldsmith works that metal, fires that metal, purifies that metal, 
until no spot or blemish remains. 
The more refined results in the more pure. 
The more pure is of more value. 

So it is with us. 
God will test us in order to refine us. 
He will test our motives so as to expose them for what they really are. 
He will test our love so as to cleanse it and make it more like His love. 
Testing is different than tempting in that tempting is an attempt to entice and destroy while testing is a holy effort of God's behalf to refine and make holy. 

Temptation is a result of our own sin birthed from unholy or unchecked desire. 
Temptation is often subtle and often takes the appearance as something good, something beneficial or something harmless. 
We have the desire to appear a certain way so we make others feel less so we can feel greater. 
We miss romance and pursuit, so we begin to flirt with the coworker giving a bit of extra attention disregarding the ring on our left hand and the person that put it there. 
We are sick of feeling like the poor person, the unstylish and the unaccepted, so we spend what we do not have in an attempt to a look a part that we are not.
Temptation that is common to the everyday man.
Temptation that has it's roots in sin and ultimately leads to death--
death of a marriage,
death of trust,
death of integrity,
death of a friendship.

When we are not walking intimately with God, we begin to let our guard down and our desires remain unchecked. Our feelings of inadequacy, entitlement, self pity, pride, rejection... will begin to take precedence over the Truth of God's Word, giving birth to sin, walking us down a slippery slope of temptation and destruction. 

When left to our devices, these things will lead to temptation, but when God takes these things, He will test them to show them for what they really are and will begin to refine us into a more holy and more pure follower of Him. 
One way leads to death, another leads to life. 
The choice is ours to make. 

Holy Refiner...
How I long for the Truth of your Word to penetrate deep into my soul. 
I long for Your Truth to test my perception and my acceptance of the world around me. 
Open my eyes that I may see the paths of destruction that I am walking and lead me down the path of righteousness that leads to life. 
Test me--test my motives, test my affections, test my friendships, test my love and commitment--that they may be purified and free of self and blemish. 
Thank you for not being a God of temptation, seeking to trick us and ultimately destroy us. 
Thank you for being a God that sees the beauty in spite of the blemish. Thank you for being a God that loves me the way I am but is refusing to leave me that way. 
Grant me grace that I may desire truth in the inner most recesses of my heart, soul and mind and that I may not only embrace it but long for your refinement in my life. 
I love you sweet Jesus...


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Abide in Me..."

"Abide in Me, and I in you.
As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself,
unless it abides in the vine, neither can you,
unless you abide in Me.
I am the Vine; you are the branches.
Whoever abides in me and I in him, 
he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me
you can do nothing." 
~Jesus Christ
John 15:4,5

I have been busy.
Unfortunately, this is a word that all Americans know too well. 
It is easy to start running and before we know it, there is hardly enough time to sleep or have a real conversation with someone we love. 
Busyness often robs us of the joy that God has intended through life as we walk intimately with Him and others. 
It is when accomplishment becomes the central focus of our waking lives that we fail to abide. As a result, the fruitfulness of abiding with Jesus Christ becomes less and less as life becomes more and more about self. 

I had the great privilege of serving as a bridesmaid for a great life long friend who married over the weekend. What a holy celebration of life and love it was! 
I took off last Monday so I could be nearer than 350 miles to help with anything that needed doing before the actual wedding. While there, the kids and I enjoyed two different zoos, a science museum, horseback riding, numerous bike rides and great time with family. 
All of these things were great and I believe that God delights in us savoring the gift of family and dwelling in unity together. However, the busyness took my heart away from the quiet intimacy of my walk with God and quiet fellowship with Him in His Word and prayer. 

Spring time has set in and summer is quickly coming. With the joy of the sunshine and warm weather comes the pressure of lawn and garden, landscape and upkeep. Not only that, but inside we still have loads of work to do in regards to the massive home renovation project that we are still working on. From the moment we open our eyes in the morning, the 'TO DO' list is staring us in the face. Just hearing my neighbor's lawn mower stresses me out because mine is in desperate need of cutting as well. There are piles of sheetrock and remnants of what used to be walls and floor littering our yard from front to back. Christmas lights hang lifelessly and gravel from a winter's worth of plowing still litters our lawn. There is a garden plot waiting to be planted and a rose bush waiting to go into the ground. That's just the outside stuff...don't even get me started on the inside stuff. 
There is still a school year to finish and just the day to day household stuff from laundry to bills. 
Then there is the church stuff. Trips and events being planned, meetings to attend and calls to make. Lessons to teach and a devotional to write. 
There is the upcoming triathlon as well that requires training that hasn't been done. The miles I have intended to run, but failed to. The bike that I have intended to ride, but have neglected to. 
I could go on and on. 

God delights in us walking intentionally with Him. It is easy to spend time in God's Word as it suits us and fail to strive with great effort to be with Him. We pray at meal times and before bed. We listen to Christian radio and reference God in our conversation from time to time all the while failing to connect personally and intimately without the rush of the world whirling around us. 

Jesus Christ has invited us to abide in Him and He with us. 
It is only through abiding with Him that strivings will cease and He will begin to produce fruit within us that is far more beautiful than we can do through our own efforts. 
This is not to say that we will not be busy or that we will just sit and pray all day long. 
This does mean that our walk with Him will not be replaced with serving, doing, striving, or running. Rather, the first fruits of our time, energy, attention and affection are spent with Him and we move forward from there all the while remembering the words penned by King David in Psalm 127...
'Unless the Lord build the house,
he who labors, labors in vain...'

Remember, it is not about what you get done today,
it is about bearing eternal fruit that will edify those around you that really matters. 

my heart is so anxious it is almost in a state of panic. 
There are so many things that I need to do that I find myself believing there is no time to sit with You and allow Your spirit to speak truth to mine. I am a Martha by nature, which I know of itself is not wrong for it is how you created me. But just as Martha was distracted from the one thing that was the most important, I am as well. Focus my heart today on Your face and remind me that it is only through abiding with You that my life will bear the fruit that I so badly desire. Remind me loving Lord, that unless You build the house--unless You inhabit the work of my hands and the strivings of my heart, it is all for nothing. 

Thank you for the sun that has risen and the birds that are singing. 
May my life be lived intentionally today with eternity in mind. 
I love you.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

a call to pray

'When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain,
or command the locust to devour the land,
or send pestilence among my people,
if my people who are called by name
humble themselves,
and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.'
2 Chronicles 7:13-14

I know I posted this yesterday, but as I was reading through this again today, I was blessed by my daughter's child like faith. Faith in a God that cares about the smallest things of life. Simple yet profound understanding that there indeed is nothing that is too hard for God and that often His timing is not our own.
Now if she would only remind her mother of that simple truth...

May 5, 2011.
National Day of Prayer in the United States of America. 
A nation once founded and grounded upon the truths of God's Word. 
A nation that has since turned its back upon the very God the settlers came to freely worship. 
I am always thankful for this day and encouraged by those that take time to pray corporately and read Scripture for the sake of our nation, our leaders, our communities, our churches, our homes, our children, our marriages. 

This passage has always been one of my favorites. 
It reminds me that God only tolerates sin and apostasy for so long. 
There will come a time when God will say, "Enough" and will allow pestilence, famine, drought and desolation to take its toll upon those that will continue to turn their backs upon their very Creator. 
He is perfectly righteous and altogether good. 
His holiness is complete and He is jealous for the affection of our hearts. 
When we repeatedly turn away and trade the beauty and purity He has given for the trash of earth, He will allow pain and natural consequence to run its course. 

As we read on however, we see that God is waiting to be just. 
He is waiting to deliver us from our wicked, whorish ways,
and return us to right relationship with Him. 
He is calling us to humble ourselves, pray, seek and turn. 
So many get angry with God because "He doesn't answer prayer!" when they continue to live in sin and unfaithfulness to God. 
Our prayer is more than just words. Prayer is a life lived in communication and fellowship with a Holy God. 
Prayer starts with humility--confessing a need for One greater than ourselves. 
Seeking His face the way we would seek a lost child or a missing diamond from a beloved heirloom. 
Desperately looking. Desperately wanting. Desperately pursuing the heart of God. the face of God. 
Then...when our hearts begin to take hold of Him, we forsake all others and cling unto Him alone. Our hearts are fully satisfied and fully saturated having found everything we could ever want or need within the beauty of His presence. 
It is then and only then, 
that He will hear from heaven and heal our land. 

I don't know about you, but my land needs forgiveness. My land needs healing. 
My nation. My community. My family. My marriage. My spirit. 
He will hear, forgive and heal.  
If we will humble. pray. seek. turn.

What would our lives look like--what would our nation look like--if every day was a day of prayer? 
I plan on finding out.  Won't you join me? 


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

100 and counting!

You have to understand (well, ok, maybe you don't, but just play along here...) 
writing has always been in my soul. 
I may not be great by any stretch of the imagination, but it is as much a part of me as say, my liver. 
(and try to live without your liver--I dare, don't really try get what I mean) 
I have written since I could hold a pen to do so
and I have been better because of it. 
However, I have always been very private about my writing, simply because I am very, very critical of my writing. 
If you only knew how many times I read and re-read my posts before hitting the little 'publish' icon at the bottom of the page...yeah, I'm a bit obsessive. 
Anyway, writing for a public audience has been a dream for me. A big one. 
Publishing that first post in December was a big deal.
Since that time, I have grown so much in my faith. I have been diligent about God's Word and He is teaching me through my own writing and study and for that I am deeply grateful. 
Truthfully, I have no idea who is reading or really, if anyone is for that matter. 
But truthfully, 
it doesn't even matter. 
I am doing what I love and God is doing great things within me as a result of it. 

In celebration of my 100th post (YIPPEEEE!!!) 
I am going to share a few more things I am thankful for--you being on that list. :) 

Good friends. Good hike. Cold day. Great weekend.

Romance even after 12 years of looking at my face...

a hot tub on a cold spring's night

running water. working toilet. no floor, but hey, less to clean.
no mirror, but really, who really likes to see themselves on a regular basis anyway? 

I am not creative. This is my attempt at creativity and blessing a sweet friend getting married next weekend. I was so proud of my table numbers. They are two sided and simple. I like them. 

They worked so hard this year and were so proud of their awards.
Hiding God's Word in their hearts is the best gift of all. 

for as much work as they are, it surely brightens up a Monday morning when the mail man pulls into the driveway and hands me a chirping box of fluffy cuteness. 

Ok...this is hard for me to post, but I am going to anyway.
I am a grammar snot. I am anal about spelling.
My 8 year old daughter wrote this yesterday (yikes, another writer in the family!)
and was so eager to share it with me. For as much as I wanted to correct it, I felt as though I needed to leave it simply because this is her heart. Every word of it.
Although she may still need some spelling work, it brings tears to my eyes to see what God is speaking to her heart.
And she is not kidding, we are not cat people. 
 I am thankful for a great many things. 
I have the most amazing group of senior high kids with whom I get the joy of being with every Wednesday night. They put up with me and I am better because of it. 
I have a husband who waits patiently as I finish this blog so we can spend time together before bed. 
Life is blessed and I am thankful that writing is a part of it. 
I am thankful that God is all of it. 

What is God calling you to do?

he promised.

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.”
James 1:12
Lavished upon. Protected. Favored. Loved abundantly. Rewarded. Regarded.
To abide. To stay. To hold on. Diligent. Determined. Single minded. Focused. Unmoved. 
Unshaken. Convicted. Grounded. Anchored. Secure. Confident. Unafraid.
In the midst of. In the center of. Oppressed. Crushed. Challenged. Wounded by.
Pain. Suffering. Conflict. Persecution. Unfairness. Abandonment. Desolation. Darkness. Accusation. Rejection. Devastation. Disregarded. Loss. 
For when he has stood the test...
It will come to pass. It will end. All things hurtful and painful are confined to this earth. Therefore, they are temporary. The trial will end. 
Not if, but when. 
For when he has stood the test...
To stand is a sign of strength. Confidence. Resolve. Determination. 
Stand firm. Don’t back down. Don’t sit down. Don’t surrender. 
For when he has stood the test...
This is a test. A test will tear away all that is false, all that is pretentious
and only the true will remain. 
Refining fire. It burns hot, it blisters, it hurts. It refines, it purifies, it redefines. 
He will receive the crown of life...
Nothing that is worth having comes without price or without cost. 
A crown is reserved for only those in royalty or significance. 
It’s sign of blood line or achievement.
Dignity. Beauty. Favor. Extravagance. Royalty.
Stand found in the blood line of Jesus Christ...
a Man of many sufferings and acquainted with grief...
Resurrected because He was crucified,
victorious because He endured,
exalted because He was obedient. 
So it is with us.

Which God has promised...
The Creator and Sustainer of all that is and all that will be. 
Unaffected by the deeds of men,
unshaken by the decisions of men. 
Fully in control, wholly sovereign, and completely just. Altogether perfectly good.
Unconditional and unwavering in His love. 
Past tense. Done. He has promised. His promise stands. His promise waits to be claimed. 
Guaranteed. Set in stone. 
To those who love Him. 
Not ‘to those who have lived a perfect life’ or ‘who have taught Sunday school, pastored a church, taken communion regularly, wore floor length skirts, had perfect attendance in church, lived in a hut overseas telling people about Christ...’ 
Love is the only requirement. 
Forsake all others. 
Adore. Desire. Live for. Surrendered to. Intimate with. Walk with. 
All those other things are the result of love. 
Church attendance does not create love. 
Full time ministry or regular religious ritual are not the springs from which love is conceived. 
They are regarded as nothing if not done as a result of sheer love. 
Stand firm. Know for Whom and by Whom you stand. Love Him. Persevere. Be confident in His promise and in knowing that the trial will come to pass. 
And when it has, 
you will receive the crown of life and appear as refined gold in the likeness of His son.
He promised. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Taking a moment to breathe........


This has been my mantra the last few days and this is me, forcing myself to stop for a moment and find rest and perspective in God's Word.  and breathe.

'Unless the Lord builds the house,
those who build it labor in vain.'
Psalm 127:1a

My mind is so full and I have definitely bitten off way more than I can chew. 
I have to be careful to be respectful and honoring in what I say here in this space as well as in the quiet of my own heart. I will say this, it can be frustrating serving alone or feeling as though I do. 
I understand people are busy--with four kids at home and a major home renovation balanced with church ministry and personal life--I know busy! 
It is hard and exhausting feeling as though others just assume someone else will step in and get the job done. It is easy to allow frustration and bitterness to take root and grow in those moments, especially within the home or within the church. 

As I was trying to keep these feelings at bay, God spoke quietly to my heart, 
"Tiffany, stop. It is not about your efforts, it is about My glory." 
Psalm 127:1 came to mind. 

And so, as I take this moment to breathe and remember Who it is I serve and by Whom I live and breathe and have my being, I will encourage you in the same way. 
It is not up to me to see that God is glorified (other than in my own life) and that the Body of Christ all has part in that. 
It is not up to me to see to it that others live lives of conviction, obedience or service. 
I am not the Holy Spirit. 
It is not my place to judge, condemn and ridicule. 
I am called to obey the calling for which God has called me.
I am called to obey in joy and love with perseverance and kindness fostering a heart of forgiveness, for such is how God has treated me. 
I am not called to laziness and have no place to condemn those that I think are. 
I am called to be holy just as God is holy, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from human striving but rather, being found in Christ as an heir to His righteousness. 

With that said, I will sign off and begin the rest of my day. 
Thank you for sharing my burden and my thoughts. 
blessings to you dear friends!

Monday, May 2, 2011

in due time

‘But let the brother of humble circumstances glory in his high position; and let the rich man glory in his humiliation because like a flowering grass he will pass away. For the sun rises with a scorching wind and withers the grass; and its flower falls off, and the beauty of its appearance is destroyed; so too the rich man in the midst of his pursuits will fade away.’
James 1: 9-11
Glory: to take delight in, to take joy in, to be thankful for
Humiliation:  Hebrew nabab: to be hollow, foolish, vain 
Appearance: Hebrew mikshol: stumbling block, obstacle, enticement, ruin
It is natural human behavior to resist pain and struggle, conflict or need. It is also natural human behavior to desire those things that are comfortable, extravagant and lovely. This Scripture flies in the face of all natural human behavior. It is easy to read this and think that God requires desolation and poverty as we walk this earth. We see how monks and other saints of the faith have taken this to heart, sold all they have had and have moved into a life of isolation or poverty. 
As I have studied this and prayed that God would bring this Scripture to life, I am excited to share what He has quietly spoken to my heart. 

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 that God uses the unlikely things of this earth to carry out His magnificent plan for humanity. It is in the weak that He shames the strong, it is in the 'foolish' wisdom of God that those savvy with worldly wisdom will be brought low. For God has chosen what is weak and foolish in this world to bring to nothing things that are glorified on earth so that no man could take the credit upon himself. 

I believe that is what James is referring to here. With worldly wealth dwells a quiet and subtle a spirit of pride, accomplishment and self dependence. Does God view wealth as sinful? No. Every good and perfect thing is from Him. He is the giver of wealth and health and beauty and strength. However, we must hold them loosely and possess them with great care and humility knowing that everything we are and everything we have is because He has willed it so. 

God is calling us to take joy in our humble position, whether that be a humble financial situation, ailing health, a wayward child or spouse or unfair treatment. For God has chosen those things with which to manifest His faithfulness, goodness and love. It is often in the midst of pain and earthly loss that we cling more tightly to Him and His promises. As we look upon the beautiful Cross of our Savior Jesus Christ, we see this more powerfully than anywhere else in Scripture. God’s perfect love and power spoken loudly, eloquently and graciously through the most unthinkable, unspeakable pain and desolation. God calls us to hold loosely to this life and all that comes with it. If Christ had not held loosely, there would have been no redemption. So it is with us, if we hold tightly to that which is temporary, we will miss the extravagant blessing and lessons that God has for us that are eternal in nature. 

James continues with words to those that cling tightly to their worldly gain: take joy in your vanity and hollow pursuits now for in time they will be shown for what they really are. As the original Hebrew suggests, the word appearance means stumbling block. The beauty of these temporary things of earth creates a false illusion of satisfaction and safety that act only as a snare to those that will be enticed by their indirect seduction. 

Take note that Scripture says, ‘in the midst of his pursuits, he will fade away.’ 
We all have an appointment with God that we will not be a moment late for. For my brother, he was just over 28 years old, mid March, 2007. God had that time set forth before he ever took a breath. He was in the midst of pursuit and God said, “now is your time. Come.” So it is with us. Every day we are growing closer to the day that has been set for us to meet our God. Either it will be a joyous meeting or a sorrowful one as everything we have pursued on earth will be shown for what it really is. 
God is faithful. He does not delight in sending His creation into hell, eternal separation from Him and all that He is. However, He is perfectly holy. In His holiness, He is jealous for the affections of our heart. When we have greater affection and love for the things of earth, our hearts can not be intertwined intimately with His. 

When we are walking through the fire of humble circumstances, it is often then that we embrace the beauty of the Cross and the very nature of God. Take joy in that season. Find strength in the wilderness. Allow your heart to fall madly in love with your faithful Sustainer as He allows you to be poured out like a drink offering during this humble existence on earth. Embrace the mystery of your humble calling and remember that in due time, all things on earth will be shown for what they really are. 
Blessing to you dear friends.