Friday, September 14, 2012

"Baby Girl..."

It has been a lovely day. a full day. a friday.

As I journey with God through life, the lessons seem unending and sometimes the weariness is more than I can want to endure. While there are lessons on patience, gentleness, graciousness and all these other noble things that I seem to be lacking, the lessons hardest to learn are about seeing the me that God Himself has created.

Comparision waits around the corner and is eager to shine the spotlight on the mom that I am not and the mom that so and so is

She sews with her girls. Look at those adorable costumes. handmade satchels. crocheted leg warmers. *sigh*

She takes trips with her girls. Look at all the photos and special keepsakes. So what if they'll be in the rummage sale next summer. think of the memories. 

She has such a great garden. such a great way of incorporating her kids into nature and literature and excercise and culture and everything handmade and homemade and...

Comparision lies in wait to flaunt the homemaker that I will never be as I step through the door and am greeted by the dust of yesterday and the deadlines of tomorrow. My mind flutters back to the perfectly kept home of a friend, the finished baseboard trim of another and the matching home decor of yet another.

As I settle down inside, making a place to sit and savor the presence of God in the midst of the strewn toys, misplaced car keys and lost library books,
He speaks truth through the lies screaming for attention.
He speaks to the woman I want to the woman I was...and most importantly...
to the woman I am. 

Baby Girl, 

every word I will ever write. speak. think.
comes from the spring of Life.
every thing I will ever do or hope to do
comes from the Giver of all good things.
every project I finish...every project I try to finish...every project I fail to finish...
will be surrendered to Him.

Everything I am. everything I wish I was. everything I aspire to be. everything I will never be.
everything is captured eternally in those five words....

Baby Girl, 


Wednesday, September 12, 2012


As the battle for my mind rages on,
this morning I stand before God and surrender the discouragement that threatens my peace.
I desire to take every thought captive and make it obedient to the TRUTH,
knowing it will take intentional saturation of the TRUTH...
the Word of God.

Every thought of frustration,
will have to pass through the sieve of Philippians 4.
If it passes the test, I will entertain the thought.
If it does not,
I will disregard it as a lie and take hold of truth in its place.

'Rejoice in the Lord always;
again I will say, 
Let your reasonablness be known to all.
The Lord is at hand. 
about anything,
but in everything
by prayer and supplication
let your requests be made known to God. 
And the PEACE of God,
which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your heart and mind
in Christ Jesus.
Finally brothers, 
whatever is TRUE,
whatever is HONORABLE,
whatever is JUST,
whatever is PURE,
whatever is LOVELY,
whatever is COMMENDABLE,
if there is any EXCELLENCE,
if there is anything WORTHY of PRAISE,
think about these things."
Philippians 4:4-8

Before I complain, I will rejoice. 
Before I fret and worry, I will pray and give thanks. 
I will take captive that which is not true or honorable.
I will be fair and choose justice.
I will choose purity of thought and purity of speech. 
I will choose that which is lovely rather than that which is cynical or unkind or foul. 
I will choose to see that which is excellent: in my husband. my children. my family. my church. my friends. 
and I will give thanks for those excellent things
all the while surrendering all the rest in prayer. 
I will choose praise before I complain. 
I will praise my husband for a job done well rather than complain about what he has not done. 
I will praise my children for the grace of God at work in them while I continue to teach and train them in patience and gentleness. 
I will praise the Lord for His favor and kindness in the midst of my unkindness and unworthiness.
and when the day is done, 
I will lay my head on my pillow and rest. 

Sweet Jesus, 
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be a fragrant offering to you today
as your peace sets itself as a guard upon my heart and mind. 
