Friday, March 11, 2011

everything I never knew I always wanted

I hate cats. Ok...maybe that's a bit strong...I am not a cat person.
And here I am, our rescued stray, happily sleeping on my lap.

I am a city girl.
I grew up in a capital city minutes from anything a person could need.
I am not urban per say, but I appreciate culture and a gas station.
I live nearly 20 miles from the nearest gas station and the culture here...well, it's taken some getting used to.

I love home decor.
I think I have good taste and I appreciate quality.
I am currently sitting in a burnt orange chair my mother-in-love hauled home from I don't know where (probably best not to know). My feet are up on a green and white striped (yes, I said striped) sofa from a rummage sale while my husband lounges nearby in a maroon bean bag chair.
This is home.

I have always been very education driven (ok, maybe always is stretching it a bit--from high school on).
I had great plans to get a degree. followed by another degree, followed by another one and then a great career.
I have done very little of that and am more blessed than I could ever imagine.
I wipe a lot of noses through my day.

I wanted four kids, all three years apart, starting when I was 30ish.
I got the four kids part...
In four years and four months...
and started when I was 21.

I had a man list.
Godly. Dark. Linguistically gifted. Musically gifted. Dark. Musical. Dark.
Those of you that know the man I married are smiling right now.
I got the Godly part right.

This life I live is nothing that I imagined, but everything I dreamed.
It's everything I never knew I always wanted.
Isn't God good?

Good night dear friends!


  1. Tiffany, I am with you on the city girl part. I am still adjusting after living in a small town in rural Minnesota. Not always easy, but it's a lot less stressful (looking on the bright side!). Once again, God always has better plans. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement~what a blessing it is to know you are finding rest in God's plans.
    Continue to follow his direction for your life and the fulfillment will be greater than you could ever imagine! Blessings, Tiffany

  3. oh how I loved this post! My life too, is a departure from the "best-laid plans" I had, and really the adventure is still picking up steam and thrusting me into unknown places all the time!

  4. I was just walking through Ely yesterday, wondering to myself - how did I end up here? 10 years ago I had never heard of Ely or the BWCA. But now it is home. I so understand this thought of yours. Plus the home decor part - how I went from a pretty well decorated home without kids to a tiny toddler friendly house so fast is crazy!

  5. Thanks Tiffany, loved the post! Makes me so grateful to know you amongst so many who don't know what the "other" world is like. :)
