"Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth."
~Jesus Christ
Matthew 5:5
This is a tough one.
Meek is not exactly at 21st century word. When it is used, it is typically referring to a shy child, an unassertive person or a timid animal. Not exactly the traits of a person we see 'inheriting the earth'...
According to the Blue Letter Bible the original Hebrew language of meekness towards God is when one's spirit is so at rest in the protection and provision of God that we don't dispute or resist His dealings with us. Meekness is when we wholly rely on God rather than our own strength to defend against injustice.
If you are anything like me, you just read that, read it again and said to yourself, "great. What in the world does that mean to me?"
As I have prayed through this passage, I have struggled with it. I have a hard time submitting myself to the idea that I must stand back and allow the depravity of humanity and the 'virtuous beliefs' of society take over and impact my children and our future. I believe that Christians are called to be in the public arena fighting for what is right and sacred. We are called to defend marriage, for if we don't who will? We are called to stand in the gap for the innocent unborn that are being slaughtered in the name of 'free choice' for if we don't speak for them, who will? But....does this passage jive with all of that? This is something that I have had to work and pray through. I would encourage you to do the same. For now, this is the truth that God has spoken to my heart....
Meekness is the point where humility, boldness, gentleness and conviction intersect. Christians are not called to stand by and be trampled. We are called to move forward boldly wholly reliant upon God to be our protection and conviction. We are to keep our attitudes and our dispositions in check with Scripture.
Look at the life of Jesus Christ. He spoke Truth as truth is, but He spoke the truth in complete love and humility. He didn't waiver in His position or water down His message to suit those that would hear or to avoid any conflict. He spoke words such as, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man shall come to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6) He didn't say, "Buddha and I are the way...." or "The god within you and I are the way..." No. He said, "I AM THE WAY...NO ONE comes to the Father, except THROUGH ME." Those are pretty bold words. Words that are considered offensive, intolerant and unaccepting in today's vernacular. Why did He speak them? He spoke them because He loves His creation and knows that without the Truth we would be destined for hell. He knows that the Spirit of Darkness (Ephesians 6) that is vying for our souls wants us to believe that it is narrow minded and discriminatory to take a solid stand for something. The idea that we are to not only hear, but to accept every philosophy and ideology that this depraved world has to offer has become virtuous and those that refuse to comply are seen as hateful and prejudice. Are we called to hear the argument? Yes? Are we called to filter everything we hear through the lens of Scripture? Absolutely. When we do this, we will understand truth from lie and we are called to meekly defend that truth in every arena in the name of Jesus Christ.
As we look at the life of Christ, we see the ultimate example of meekness. He spoke the Truth in love, with conviction and gentleness. He was a humble man, an unassuming man and He spent His days on earth giving glory to His Father above so that we may know that God will be glorified when our lives are lived in obedience to Him. We are called to speak respectfully (Ephesians 4:15), love unconditionally just as we have been loved (1 Corinthians 13) and to stand firm, certain of what we believe (1 Corinthians 16:13, Galatians 5:1, Ephesians 6:13, Philippians 1:27).
As we seek to be people of meekness, living our lives by conviction through a spirit of love and gentleness, we will begin to understand what an inheritance really is. Christ has promised that we would not only survive life on this earth, but we will inherit this earth as our own as we strive to be people of meekness. Now that my friend, is an inheritance!
May you stand firm, knowing what and in Whom you believe and may meekness be a trait that others would attribute to you.
Blessings dear friends!
Meekness is the point where humility, boldness, gentleness and conviction intersect. wow.
ReplyDeletethis certainly has given me much to think and pray through this week. Thanks for sharing! I'm looking forward to more.