It is late...
or should I say early...
and I should be sleeping, but I just got home from a lovely Mom's Night Out with some great women.
As I was driving home, in the fog, going no faster than 40 mph, I got to thinking about how much I appreciate you.
I know it may seem random because I don't even know who 'you' are, but you have blessed my heart by reading, posting, and praying nonetheless. Thank you for your words of encouragement as I write the contents of my heart and head. I understand they can be messy places from time to time.
Eloquence is not something I am gifted with, or even great grammar, but still, you check back and read along.
I love Jesus and His love for me has changed me heart and soul.
Thanks for letting me share that love and that change with you.
Blessings to you dear friends.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Hems and Handbags
'She seeks wool and flax,
and works with willing hands.
She is like the ships of a merchant;
she brings her food from afar.
She rises while it is yet night
and provides food for her household
and portions for her maidens.
She considers a field and buys it;
with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard.
She dresses herself with strength
and makes her arms strong.
She perceives her merchandise is profitable.
Her lamp does not go out at night.'
Proverbs 31:13-18
There are the cynics that would read this and count it irrelevant for today.
There are the literal that would read this and go buy a field.
There are those that read this and think, "yes, I've arrived, my lamp doesn't go out at night!"
but I don't think Solomon is writing about perusing Facebook into the wee hours of the morning.
This is a lovely picture of what God is calling us to be. However, the context in which it is read is important.
There are those sweet ladies that battle dehabilitating diseases such as MS that makes working with one's hands an impossible task.
Some women are gifted with crafty hands, of which I am not one.
"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands"
Some are gifted with an understanding of finance and business, of which I am not one.
"She considers a field and buys it..."
Ouch. Two strikes for me.
Some are green thumbs and plant lovely gardens that are vibrant with color, pollinators and vegetation.
I enjoy the dirt in my fingers and the green beans that sprout, but my garden is more trial and error.
A green thumb I am not.
"with the fruit of her hands, she plants a vineyard."
That's three strikes.
However, there is one part that applies to me and this part I will claim and live by:
"She works with willing hands."
"God is not going to require something of us that He has not given us." ~Pastor David Kiamu
A great friend of mine, Pastor David, reminded me of this lovely truth over the weekend.
So many times we measure our worth based upon the women around us.
We see how others are gifted and often it leaves us feeling inadequate and insecure.
The truth is, we are not all going to be authors, teachers, vocalists, seamstress' and so on.
God is calling us to do what we love and love what we do and to glorify Him in the process.
God does not require that we all have business degrees or an interest in all things culinary.
God does call us to work with willing hands.
God is not calling all of us to serve overseas or to home school our children.
God is calling us to live a life of obedience and conviction, whatever that may look like.
With this being said, there is a great woman I know who is an example in many ways.
She is an example of using the gifts God has given her to do what she loves, provide for her family and bless others.
She has walked a tough road but she has been an example of endurance and faith.
I would like to introduce you Hems and Handbags.
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Hems and Handbags is now making these lovely greeting cards |
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These handbags are hand crafted and come complete with a legit tag and a lovely lining. Oh the details! |
You may not be crafty like my sweet girlfriend, but you can support someone that is.
I would encourage you to take a stroll on over, check her out and perhaps even bless her with a purchase.
Whatever it is that you do today,
may you thank God for the gifts and abilities He has blessed you with
and glorify God in them.
Blessings to you!
Monday, March 28, 2011
what's in your hand? a lesson from a little boy
'Then he [David] took his staff in his hand
and chose five smooth
stones from the brook and put them in his shepherd's pouch.
His sling was in his hand,
and he approached the Philistine [Goliath].'
1 Samuel 17:40
I love this story.
I grew up hearing this story and seeing little paper Davids move across flannel boards with sling in hand.
It always made me cheer.
A couple of years ago, while preparing a Sunday school lesson on the ordinary things that God used to do extraordinary things, this single verse in this well known story stopped me dead in my tracks. let me recap.
David is just a kid and is busy tending his father's sheep...a not so glamorous job.
He had brothers who were out fighting a battle against the Philistines....well, kind of.
David's father, Jesse, asked David to bring them lunch and David obeyed.
Upon arriving, he did not find a battle in motion, rather he found a bunch of trained soldiers hiding of which his brothers and the king were included.
Upon further examination, David learned the Philistine army had a golden ticket--a man that stood more than 9 feet tall who was clad in hundreds of pounds of armor with a shield bearer (one can only imagine how big he must've been) going before him. For forty days he came out and taunted Israel challenging them to come and try to defeat him. The Israelite's response? Run and hide.
Enter David.
Little boy with a strap of leather, a shepherd's staff and a little faith in a great big God.
As I read this verse about David preparing to go into battle, I had never noticed it before.
Think about it--all the pictures we see, all the little flannel graph Davids--not a single one is carrying a shepherd's staff.
Why in the world does David carry a staff with him?
Was it like Plan B? If the stones and sling don't work, stab him with the staff?
As I was reading, I couldn't move beyond this puzzling verse.
Now I am no theologian. I have no Divinity degree or great knowledge of the original Hebrew texts or even the Bible itself. I just ask God to speak truth to my heart, and in His faithfulness, He responds.
As I prayed through this verse, God took me back to another great hero of the faith who had gone before David: Moses.
Just as we have heard stories of history's greats such as Abraham Lincoln and Harriet Tubman, undoubtedly had David heard stories of Moses and the amazing things God did through him.
Start your journey in Exodus 4. God is preparing to deliver His people from the hand of a tyrant and chooses Moses to lead them out.
He approaches Moses and reveals His plan.
Moses declines.
God presses him further.
"What is that in your hand?" He asks Moses.
"A staff..." is Moses' response.
God commands him to throw it to the ground, he does and it becomes a snake and he runs from it.
God commands him to reach down and pick it up. He does and it becomes a staff again.
Fast forward to the Red Sea.
The Israelites have left Egypt and are running from the Egyptian tyrant that has changed his mind about releasing his valuable slaves.
They have an ocean in front of them and an army closing in behind.
Moses raises his staff and stretches his hand over the sea and God divides the water.
Fast forward again to a bunch of whiny, unfaithful and unbelieving Israelites that are still in the desert.
They are complaining about water.
God had given Moses instructions that he failed to follow.
In his haste and disobedience, Moses strikes the rock with his staff and water pours forth.
God's blessing even in the midst of disobedience.
These are just three examples of a mighty God working through a flawed man and his shepherd's staff.
How does this correlate with our story about David?
Well, as God was walking me through Scripture, I undoubtedly believe they are connected.
You see, without a doubt David was a bit afraid.
I am certain that everything in him told him to run and hide, just like the rest of them.
But undoubtedly, He believed that just as God did great things through an old man in the desert, God would again do great things through a little boy on a battle field.
Why then did he take his staff? For many it is an insignificant detail that gets passed by--hence the reason we see it not in all the pictures and little flannel graph David's.
But...I believe that there is not a single insignificant word in all of Scripture which is why this verse bothered me so. Why would he bring it along and why does the writer make sure to include it?
Again, I am no theologian, but I believe he did it was a tangible reminder of God's faithfulness and protection.
As David suited up and carefully selected his stones,
his humanity was certainly telling him to turn back.
His God was telling him to go forth.
Without a doubt, David was recounting the stories of God's unprecedented favor and provision of another great man that had gone before David.
I believe that David made sure to carry that staff out to battle with him as a physical reminder of what God does through unlikely people that are willing to step forth in faith and obey His calling rather than turn back in fear.
I believe that we have a lot to learn from this.
Often, we forget that which ought to remember,
and remember that which we ought to forget.
As we face unbelievable hurts and challenges,
I think it is important to look back at our lives and the lives of those that have gone before us, and see the evidences of God's faithfulness.
So many times I find myself questioning, doubting and complaining before God, wondering why He is leading me down the harder road.
How quickly I forget His faithfulness through all things in the past.
Why would He forsake me now?
In His quiet way, I can hear the Spirit ask,
"Tiffany, what's in your hand? How have you seen my faithfulness in the past?
Take those evidences with you.
Wear them like a garment,
hold onto them like a staff,
lest you forget how I have been faithful in the past
and will thus be faithful in the future.
I AM faithful. "
Blessings to you dear friends as you journey through yet another week.
May you see and remember evidences of God's faithfulness and unmerited favor this week.
Carry them with you as David carried his staff.
May they remind you of His provision and help spur you on to continue to follow in spite of the giant that is challenging you or the humanity that is telling you to turn and run.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Unless the Lord build the house...
"Unless the Lord builds the house,
those who build it labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
the watchman stays awake in vain.
It is in vain that you rise up early
and go late to rest,
eating the bread of anxious toil;
for he gives to his beloved sleep."
Psalm 127:1-3
When I took this picture, I was standing in what had been my bed room.
This was last August.
During the last seven months, God has really been dealing with my heart in the area of expectations and human effort.
Raising four kids while sleeping in the living room and stepping around shop vacs, wet-saws and tool boxes has presented a huge challenge, both physically and mentally.
It has been a great challenge to honor the Sabbath and there have definitely been Sabbath's that we have not. It is so easy to become fixated on that which must get done that we take rest out of the equation only to find ourselves out of touch with God and one another as well as exhausted, heart and soul.
"Unless the Lord build the house..."
"Unless the Lord keep watch over the city..."
How often I find myself running and toiling feverishly to build my kingdom here on earth.
I look around at what the world has, how they are filling their nice homes and driving their nice cars, and find myself subtly being drawn into that.
I find myself trying to protect my kids from everything. We sanitize everything, eat organically, vaccinate for this and medicate for that, only to find they will still get sick, they will still make mistakes and they can still be hurt.
This is not to say that we as parents should not be doing these things, but when our focus and energy is poured into these hollow human efforts, we come up tired and unsuccessful. The protection of our children and those we love is not found in our efforts, but rather through our faithful Lord keeping watch over them.
"eating the bread of anxious toil..."
I don't know about you, but I know anxious toil well.
There is some product from it, but it is merely bread alone.
When we realize that we are invited to come and feast with Him at His banqueting table how can we still cling to our unstisfying bread crusts?
As I look forward to the month of April and to my remaining moments and days on earth, my heart is hungry for rest.
I am His beloved and I will claim the rest, protection and covering that He is promising me.
I will enjoy the beauty of what He has provided rather than always longing for more.
I will take joy in and love my children while they are mine and will find peace in knowing they were His first.
I will feast with Him in the splendor of His presence through my daily communion with Him.
I will slow down enough to teach others about Him and to spend time savoring His goodness.
I will come into His presence and rest.
Blessed Friday everyone!
It's good to be back :)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
a small respite
I first want to say thanks for all that prayed for me.
There is nothing that is life threatening or ominous in any way, just the Enemy at work in many ways.
I am eager to share more as well as post some pictures, but I have been away for a small respite with the kiddos for the last six days. I had no idea how much my spirit needed the rest until I was driving away. The more distance that passed, the lighter I felt.
I stayed with a cherished friend who has a very quiet and peaceful home--just what we needed! My sweet husband remained at home to continue on our renovation project, so it was just the kids and me. During my time away I did some shopping, hosted a lovely bridal shower for an amazing woman and friend, chatted, laughed and cried into the wee hours of the morning, ate great food and played Quiddler. It was a lovely time away.
Physically I am exhasuted (those late nights sure catch up with little ones running around!) but mentally, emotionally and spiritually I feel ready to carry on.
I am looking forward to falling back into a routine, blogging being part of that.
May God bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you and may He be gracious to you!
There is nothing that is life threatening or ominous in any way, just the Enemy at work in many ways.
I am eager to share more as well as post some pictures, but I have been away for a small respite with the kiddos for the last six days. I had no idea how much my spirit needed the rest until I was driving away. The more distance that passed, the lighter I felt.
I stayed with a cherished friend who has a very quiet and peaceful home--just what we needed! My sweet husband remained at home to continue on our renovation project, so it was just the kids and me. During my time away I did some shopping, hosted a lovely bridal shower for an amazing woman and friend, chatted, laughed and cried into the wee hours of the morning, ate great food and played Quiddler. It was a lovely time away.
Physically I am exhasuted (those late nights sure catch up with little ones running around!) but mentally, emotionally and spiritually I feel ready to carry on.
I am looking forward to falling back into a routine, blogging being part of that.
May God bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you and may He be gracious to you!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Please pray for me...
This is an odd post, I recognize that.
Would you pray for me Blog Friends?
The more I pursue Christ, the harder the Enemy presses in and I need endurance.
I love Jesus more than anything and I want my life and my conduct and everything about me to testify to that. Would you please pray that I would be above reproach in all areas--my relationships, my parenting, my financial management, my time management.
Please pray for God's direction over my life. Pray that He would identify areas in my life that are affecting my intimacy with Him and that in response I would have strength of character to obey.
Thank you.
Hugs and blessings,
Would you pray for me Blog Friends?
The more I pursue Christ, the harder the Enemy presses in and I need endurance.
I love Jesus more than anything and I want my life and my conduct and everything about me to testify to that. Would you please pray that I would be above reproach in all areas--my relationships, my parenting, my financial management, my time management.
Please pray for God's direction over my life. Pray that He would identify areas in my life that are affecting my intimacy with Him and that in response I would have strength of character to obey.
Thank you.
Hugs and blessings,
"Follow Me..."
'While walking by the Sea of Galilee,
He [Jesus] saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter)
and Andrew his brother,
casting a net into the sea,
for they were fishermen.
And He said to them,
"Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."
Immediately, they left their nets and followed Him.'
Matthew 4:18-20
Fishermen. Something that I must say I have never aspired to be. Granted, I enjoy fishing but I can't imagine doing it for a living. I certainly appreciate those that still do simply because I really enjoy a good meal of seafood or fish, especially when it is fresh.
In that generation, a fishermen was a very blue collar kind of person. Nothing shameful in it, but certainly not the elite of society. I find it interesting that these are the first two men to whom Jesus calls.
No status. No special education. No significant family lines. Just fishermen. Hard working fishermen.
Jesus makes a simple invitation, "Follow Me..."
He doesn't sit down and lay out the entire picture for them. He doesn't go into great detail about who He is, what His plan for the human race is or even what their part is going to be in all of it...He simply invites them to join Him knowing that as they follow, His plan will unfold before them.
"...and I will make you fishers of men."
These eight words say a lot about the person of Jesus Christ.
He is promising something to them.
Imagine that--God incarnate making a personal promise. Wow.
Second, He is meeting them where they are at.
He will take what they know and what they are gifted with
and use it for a greater purpose.
Third, He is promising significance.
This is not to say that their work is not important now. Catching food to feed a village was critical, and someone needed to do it, but God had something better for these two chosen men.
Catching souls rather than fish.
Did they understand what it meant? Most likely not.
Did they hear significance in the calling? Apparently.
"Immediately they left their nets..."
There was no delay.
No recorded hesitation.
No expounded explanation or revelation.
Just an invitation and an immediate response.
They left their nets...
Forget not that their nets were their livelihood. It was all they knew. It was their connection to society.
It was their security.
Undoubtedly, their acceptance required faith...a tremendous amount of faith.
They trusted that this invitation was a divine appointment.
A divine appointment with something...Someone, greater than they.
They knew nothing more than this Someone was inviting them to something greater and accompanying it with a promise of something greater.
The only acceptable response? To immediately leave their nets and follow.
How different would the world be if we accepted the same invitation?
What if we stopped hesitating, stopped demanding complete revelation of the plan, stopped doubting the One inviting us, and simply followed Him?
How different would we be?
God is promising something greater than we could ever do for ourselves.
But, His invitation requires a complete willingness to follow.
But, just as He promised to make them 'fishers of men', He too will take our gifts and abilities and use them to draw others to Himself.
"Follow Me..."
What will your response be this morning?
Monday, March 14, 2011
Oh God!

Oh holy and loving Father...
my heart and soul cry out within me!
I see the images of the destruction as despair and fear grip the hearts of the people.
I see pictures of those in Japan, mourning and searching for their loved ones...
children looking for their parents, husbands for wives, parents for children, wives for husbands,
friend for friend.
Oh God--the destruction is beyond what my small mind can fathom,
the despair is unmeasurable and my heart wonders where you are in all of it.
It is easy for me to turn away and continue on my merry way,
with healthy children,
a warm home
and an abundance of clean water and healthy food.
Oh God--stir my heart to prayer!
Break my heart for the things that break yours Holy Father and churn within me a spirit that is not content to turn my eyes on the hurt and suffering of this world.
Overwhelm my heart that I would be drawn into Your presence on account of others.
God I pray that you would unleash Your Spirit over that scared and broken land.
I pray that as the devastation increases, Your faithfulness would be magnified.
I pray that you would heal, unite, reconcile and revive the souls of those crushed and broken.
Hear their cries oh Lord and may Japan declare the goodness of our God!
Your Word says,
"God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear,
though the earth gives way,
and the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble at its swelling.
God is in the midst of her;
she shall not be moved;
God will help her when morning dawns."
The nations rage, the kingdoms totter;
He utters His voice,
the earth melts.
The Lord of hosts is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;
He breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
He burns the chariots with fire.
"Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!"
The Lord of hosts is with us;
The God of Jacob our fortress.
Psalm 46
God--the earth has given way and the mountains have fallen into the heart of the sea.
A small island nation is trembling while the world looks on in horror. Their agony is great oh Holy God and this morning, on behalf of Japan, we cry out to you!
God, help them please.
As morning dawns I pray that a renewed sense of hope and a reality of Your presence in the midst of the darkness would overwhelm them.
Stir our hearts to pray for them. God, I pray that your Beloved would minister in body and spirit to those in the heart of this unspeakable tragedy.
I thank you God, that you are there.
In the darkness you are there. In the pain and grief, You are there.
Even though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
you, oh loving and gracious God, are there.
Show yourself present I pray.
Be their fortress. Be their protector. Be exalted on high!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Come forth as gold
"Behold, I go forward, but he [God]is not there,
and backward, but I do not find him;
I look to the left when he is working, but do not behold him;
I turn to the right, but I catch no glimpse of him.
But he knows the way I take;
and when he has tested me,
I will come forth as gold."
Job 23:8-10
Whatever God is leading you through,
wherever this journey of life is taking you,
I pray that you would know He is walking it with you.
Just as Job looked in every direction,
combed through every aspect of his undeserved trial and could not begin to understand where God was or what God had in all of this,
he knew that his God was faithful.
Job knew that although his mind couldn't understand the hand of God in his dark moments,
God was present,
and when his temporary testing was completed,
he would come forth as pure gold.
Take heart friend...
God does not use fire in the lives of His Beloved to torment or punish,
but to refine, purify and make holy.
Embrace the fire
and when His work is accomplished,
you will come forth as gold.
Friday, March 11, 2011
everything I never knew I always wanted
I hate cats. Ok...maybe that's a bit strong...I am not a cat person.
And here I am, our rescued stray, happily sleeping on my lap.
I am a city girl.
I grew up in a capital city minutes from anything a person could need.
I am not urban per say, but I appreciate culture and a gas station.
I live nearly 20 miles from the nearest gas station and the culture here...well, it's taken some getting used to.
I love home decor.
I think I have good taste and I appreciate quality.
I am currently sitting in a burnt orange chair my mother-in-love hauled home from I don't know where (probably best not to know). My feet are up on a green and white striped (yes, I said striped) sofa from a rummage sale while my husband lounges nearby in a maroon bean bag chair.
This is home.
I have always been very education driven (ok, maybe always is stretching it a bit--from high school on).
I had great plans to get a degree. followed by another degree, followed by another one and then a great career.
I have done very little of that and am more blessed than I could ever imagine.
I wipe a lot of noses through my day.
I wanted four kids, all three years apart, starting when I was 30ish.
I got the four kids part...
In four years and four months...
and started when I was 21.
I had a man list.
Godly. Dark. Linguistically gifted. Musically gifted. Dark. Musical. Dark.
Those of you that know the man I married are smiling right now.
I got the Godly part right.
This life I live is nothing that I imagined, but everything I dreamed.
It's everything I never knew I always wanted.
Isn't God good?
Good night dear friends!
And here I am, our rescued stray, happily sleeping on my lap.
I am a city girl.
I grew up in a capital city minutes from anything a person could need.
I am not urban per say, but I appreciate culture and a gas station.
I live nearly 20 miles from the nearest gas station and the culture here...well, it's taken some getting used to.
I love home decor.
I think I have good taste and I appreciate quality.
I am currently sitting in a burnt orange chair my mother-in-love hauled home from I don't know where (probably best not to know). My feet are up on a green and white striped (yes, I said striped) sofa from a rummage sale while my husband lounges nearby in a maroon bean bag chair.
This is home.
I have always been very education driven (ok, maybe always is stretching it a bit--from high school on).
I had great plans to get a degree. followed by another degree, followed by another one and then a great career.
I have done very little of that and am more blessed than I could ever imagine.
I wipe a lot of noses through my day.
I wanted four kids, all three years apart, starting when I was 30ish.
I got the four kids part...
In four years and four months...
and started when I was 21.
I had a man list.
Godly. Dark. Linguistically gifted. Musically gifted. Dark. Musical. Dark.
Those of you that know the man I married are smiling right now.
I got the Godly part right.
This life I live is nothing that I imagined, but everything I dreamed.
It's everything I never knew I always wanted.
Isn't God good?
Good night dear friends!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Blessed are you...
"Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you
and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.
Rejoice and be glad,
for your reward is great in heaven,
for so they persecuted the prophets
who were before you."
~Jesus Christ
Matthew 5:11
Blessed are you...
Let those words resonate in your ears for a moment...
All the other beatitudes were directed informally, "blessed are the pure in heart", "blessed are the meek"...
Not this one. "Blessed are you".
As He is closing this sermon of blessing, it's almost as though He is not only blessing you, but assuring you. As I read through these magnificent and somewhat perplexing verses, it is notable that He closes with a personal blessing as well as assurance of persecution.
"Blessed are you when others revile you..."
If anyone truly understood the sin nature of this fallen world that we call earth, it was Jesus Christ.
Let us not forget that He traded the fellowship of angels for the wishy washy fellowship of wicked humans. Undoubtedly He longed for home, to be in the very presence of God and angels.
He never wronged anyone.
He lived a pure and faultless life from first breath to last.
And yet, the world still hated Him.
They called Him a liar and a blasphemer.
His friend sold him for mere pennies, and betrayed Him with a kiss.
He died alone.
while the world looked on.
A world that He had served. taught. healed. fed.
As we follow Christ and confess our poverty of spirit, grieve over our sin and grieve for others in bondage to sin; when we long to be people of meekness, righteousness, mercy, purity and peace, we must be sure that there will be direct opposition from our Enemy.
There will be persecution.
There will be discouragement.
There will be unfairness. Evil words wrongfully spoken. Lies told. Lies believed.
But...Christ does not end the sermon there.
"Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven..."
For the 33 years He walked the earth, His heart was stayed on one thing and one thing alone: heaven.
The purpose He came. The purpose He lived. The purpose He died. The purpose He rose.
God's glory to be seen on earth, embraced in our hearts and revealed in heaven.
Ought not our perspectives be the same?
Why get so tangled in the temporal affairs and pains of earth?
Because it is all we know.
God can change that.
As we spend time faithfully with Him, allowing His heart to minister to ours through prayer, His Word and fellowship of other believers, our hearts will become more like His. We will be more aware of His blessing and beauty in the pain than we are the pain itself.
It is important to remember that it is not people that are opposing us, but rather it is the Spirit of Darkness dwelling within the world that is opposing the Gospel of Jesus Christ that dwells within us (Ephesians 6, John 15).
Rejoice and be glad!
The temporary trials we face as a result of our Blessed Savior Jesus Christ, pale in comparison to the glory we will experience for eternity in His presence in heaven.
Stand strong friend.
Confess your desperate need for Him.
Grieve your sin. Grieve for others in sin.
Confess your desperate need for Him.
Grieve your sin. Grieve for others in sin.
Pursue meekness, righteousness, mercy, purity and peace.
Resist the Enemy.
Rejoice and be glad!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Blessed are those who are persecuted...
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
~Jesus Christ
Matthew 5:10
I am definitely not ready to unpack this one.
I read it, and re read it, and re read it again and contemplated ending the series on my last peacemakers entry. No one would notice right?
I can't even begin to pretend that I really know what persecution is or what persecution really means to the human soul.
But I do know that I want to inherit the kingdom of heaven.
I guess that means I need to understand (as humanly as possible) the crux of this verse so that I can embrace the truth in my own life, whatever that may look like.
I have a sweet and cherished friend who is faithfully serving God in a very hostile land. I will never forget the day she told me where God was leading them to serve. We were sitting in her dining room, enjoying sweet time together as our babies played near by. I wasn't ready to hear what she had to tell me. I wasn't ready because the human nature that exists within me runs deep and it programs the human mind to avoid danger, peril, and persecution at all costs. The words that came out of her mouth directly resisted that nature.
Hot tears stung my eyes and it was then I knew that the peace and protection of God was really real. She was excited as she was telling me. She had no reservations that this was where God was leading their young family and they would rather die than to live in opposition to God's direction for their lives. My heart began to change that day.
Growing up in the US of A, I have always been free to attend church, carry my Bible and speak the name of Jesus in the public arena. I do fear that is changing, to be honest, and that is why I think we need to take time to digest the truth of this verse and to decide whether or not we really want to follow hard after Christ.
The pure and unadulterated doctrine of the Gospel is considered 'old fashioned' and 'intolerant' and I must agree on the second. Rosie O'Donnell (is that how I spell her name?) was asked what she thought was the worst sin. Her response: intolerance. She continued, "You know, intolerance is not Christian. Read the Bible people--you will see that Jesus Christ was tolerant of everyone all the time." (The View, 2009) As I was listening to this, I could imagine all the people nodding their heads and clapping as though she had made some profound point that nailed intolerant Christians to the wall. I have to boldly disagree. I will disagree simply by saying that if Jesus Christ was indeed 'tolerant' then there would have been no need for the agony of the Cross and His brutal crucifixion. If Christ was 'tolerant' He would have included all paths as a path to God rather than just Himself (John 14:6). If He was tolerant, He would have just tolerated our sin rather than die in agony so we could be free from it. Jesus Christ was not tolerant by any stretch of the imagination and all four Gospels testify to this--His very life will testify to this truth.
Christians are being pummeled by this 'tolerance' doctrine and we buying and believing it. We are turning our faces on blatant sin and embracing those that live in it. We are applauding those that call depravity virtuous living and we are watering down the Gospel of Jesus Christ so as not to 'offend' anyone or bring persecution upon ourselves. We are called to be in the world (John 17:15,16) so as to share the Gospel with everyone that has ears to hear. We are not called to pick and choose those to whom we think are worthy of the Gospel. We are not called to condemn the world--not even Christ did this (John 3:17), but we are called to share boldly that for which Christ came to live and die. If we fail to do so, then there will be a great many that will spend eternity in hell simply because we lived a life restrained by fear.
As we study and pattern our lives after Christ, we will see that He set His face towards the goal. He knew that for which He lived...He knew the purpose of His life and nothing could keep Him from that. The Bible says that He was in every tempted as we are (Hebrews 4:15) but He understood that temptation and persecution were temporary while the Kingdom of heaven was eternal. He refused to let what was temporary rule over the eternal. We are called by this 'simple' command to do the same.
We are living in a time when everything right and Biblical is considered wrong and racist while everything that celebrates self, indulgence, depravity and sin is considered virtuous and those that live accordingly are praised as brave pioneers. Beloved of God, let us not forget that Christ dined with sinners. He sought them out, went to their homes and associated with them. We are called to do likewise. However, no where will we find Him patting their back and telling them to 'just follow their hearts' and to 'dare to do what makes them happy'. He loved sinners (of which all of us are!) to the point of death, but He refused to turn His face on their sin and call it fine. Not even in the face of persecution.
When we have really tasted the goodness and sufficiency of Christ and it has penetrated deep within the very core of who we are, there will be nothing that could hold us back.
Oh God my Father, may that be true of me today!
May you inherit the kingdom of heaven as you press on to live life as a bold follower of Christ.
Blessings dear friends...
Monday, March 7, 2011
Blessed are the peacemakers...
"Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called sons of God."
~Jesus Christ
Matthew 5:9
There is a great difference between keeping the peace and creating the peace.
In order to follow Christ's command, we are called to make peace...not just keep peace.
Peace keeping will often mean turning our eyes from hurts and injustices, overlooking disobedience in our children and calling it 'picking our battles', or sweeping things under the rug hoping that our efforts to 'keep the peace' will not be something we will regret later.
However, Christ is calling us to something greater. He is not calling us to whine and complain about hurt an injustice, but He is calling us to define it, acknowledge it and do what we can to change the currents so as to break the cycle of future hurt and injustice.
He is calling us to love our children enough to correct them--even in the face of struggle, embarrassment and show down of the wills (parents--you know exactly what I mean by this term!). He is calling us to teach our children to face head on the issue of peace's direct rivals--confusion, strife and discord. He is calling us to love our children enough to identify the flaws in our own attitudes and change them so as to stop passing them on to our children. He is calling us to love our children enough to not turn our faces from their disrespect to us and others as well as our disrespect to them. May we dare to live by example as we seek to create peace within our marriages and our homes.
He is calling us to stand in the public arena fitted with meekness and do what we can to create peace in a world run by disorder and selfish ambition. He is calling us to call sin what it is, to stare our Enemy in the face and to have the heart to create peace rather than just 'keep peace' and hope the issues resolve on their own.
Truthfully, being a peacemaker is an impossible calling for any human simply because we are wired for self. It is only through an intimate relationship with Christ as His Beloved Child will we truly have the boldness, strength of character and endurance to fulfill this command.
Which is exactly why we will be called Sons of God.
We can't be peacemakers unless we are.
We aren't sons of God unless we are peacemakers.
It is a huge mountain to climb and I am certain that as we set our faces to boldly follow this command, the Enemy will do all that he can to oppose and discourage us.
This does not mean that we will be friends with everyone. This does mean that we will take a stand against resentment, bitterness and unintentional living so as to create an environment where peace will flourish and be a byproduct.
Let's stand together. Let's journey together. Let's pray together. Let's create peace together.
I pray that in your job, your home, in your friendships and your marriage, that you will seek to create peace today.
An authentic peace that is only from God.
An authentic peace that we ourselves could never create on our own.
An authentic peace that our world is feverishly trying to find and dying without.
An authentic peace that is characteristic only of God and His children.
Blessings to you today dear friend.
Friday, March 4, 2011
{this moment} in the presence of God
It is that time of the week again when I join with soule mama and The Homemade Life to bring you a sweet {moment} that passed through my week. These moments are fleeting and there are many that I miss. But there are those that I don't and for those I am incredibly grateful.
"Though an army encamp against me,
my heart shall not fear;
though war arise against me,
yet I will be confident.
One thing have I asked of the Lord,
that will I seek after:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord
and to inquire in His temple."
Psalm 27:3,4
I long to raise children that love Jesus and love others.
I desire for my children, my husband and myself to claim the Truth of God, to digest it, to live by it, to love it.
I can be guaranteed that there will be opposition.
Satan hates my marriage. He hates my children. He hates me.
He will do all that he can to effectively destroy that which Christ is doing in me and through me.
He will do all that he can to snatch away that which God has for me.
He will start with removing me from the very presence of God.
He does this by creating a false sense of self dependency alongside a spirit that has forgotten the very evidences of God's ever abiding faithfulness in my life.
He creates within me a spirit of irritation and discontentment with myself and others.
As we dance through our day today, I pray that the rhythms of our hearts would embrace the song of His.
I pray that we would abide in the very presence of God today as we complete work reports, attend board meetings, deliver pizzas, wipe noses, teach children and care for others. Whatever it is that your hands will set forth to do this day, I pray that you will do it in the very presence of God.
May our hearts be inclined to prayer--an ongoing conversation with the Creator and Sustainer of life and all that is.
I pray that in the midst of trouble and trial, when your enemy is encamped all around and you are buffeted by the winds of discouragement and the sword of doubt, I pray that the presence of God would cover you and sustain you.
May your heart find strength, shelter and confidence as you gaze upon the beauty of the Lord this day.
May God's face shine upon you as you live and breathe and love for yet another day.
Have a glorious weekend dear friends!
"Though an army encamp against me,
my heart shall not fear;
though war arise against me,
yet I will be confident.
One thing have I asked of the Lord,
that will I seek after:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord
and to inquire in His temple."
Psalm 27:3,4
I long to raise children that love Jesus and love others.
I desire for my children, my husband and myself to claim the Truth of God, to digest it, to live by it, to love it.
I can be guaranteed that there will be opposition.
Satan hates my marriage. He hates my children. He hates me.
He will do all that he can to effectively destroy that which Christ is doing in me and through me.
He will do all that he can to snatch away that which God has for me.
He will start with removing me from the very presence of God.
He does this by creating a false sense of self dependency alongside a spirit that has forgotten the very evidences of God's ever abiding faithfulness in my life.
He creates within me a spirit of irritation and discontentment with myself and others.
As we dance through our day today, I pray that the rhythms of our hearts would embrace the song of His.
I pray that we would abide in the very presence of God today as we complete work reports, attend board meetings, deliver pizzas, wipe noses, teach children and care for others. Whatever it is that your hands will set forth to do this day, I pray that you will do it in the very presence of God.
May our hearts be inclined to prayer--an ongoing conversation with the Creator and Sustainer of life and all that is.
I pray that in the midst of trouble and trial, when your enemy is encamped all around and you are buffeted by the winds of discouragement and the sword of doubt, I pray that the presence of God would cover you and sustain you.
May your heart find strength, shelter and confidence as you gaze upon the beauty of the Lord this day.
May God's face shine upon you as you live and breathe and love for yet another day.
Have a glorious weekend dear friends!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
a random assortment of things to share
I am not sure if there is title etiquette, but if there is, I am certain that titled violated it.
Oh well. I think the title fits seeing as I do have a random smattering of things I would like to share.
First, I saw this video in Sunday school a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was powerful and I wanted to pass it along to all of you. As I have eluded to, March can really get to me if I allow it to. We are weary from the cold and eager for sunshine and flowers. We are eyeing up the end of the school year, but still have that final push. It is also the month that I lost my brother...this year will mark four years. This video spoke to my heart. May it speak to your heart as it did mine....
On a brighter note, I thought I would pass along a few great blogs to you.
I adore the kitchen and everything that comes from it. The kitchen is a happy place for my kids and I and we have made many sweet memories there. I am always eager to find great recipes, great sites and fun ideas to try with my lovelies. Perhaps you have heard of them, but if not, make sure to take a moment to visit and Think of me when you are enjoying something yummy!
I will close this random post with a few bits of truth and praise from King David.
"Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and all that is within me,
bless His holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits,
who forgives all you iniquity,
who heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit,
who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,
who satisfies you with good
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."
Psalm 103:1-5
O Sweet Jesus, thank you for forgiving me.
Thank you for pulling me from the pit of darkness and despair.
You not only redeemed me, but you have crowned me with love and mercy!
Thank you for satisfying me with all things good and promising renewal that I may soar above and see all of life from a completely different perspective.
Sweet Jesus, may my heart remember your goodness and faithfulness and may they sustain me all the days of my life.
I love you.
Good night friends!
Oh well. I think the title fits seeing as I do have a random smattering of things I would like to share.
First, I saw this video in Sunday school a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was powerful and I wanted to pass it along to all of you. As I have eluded to, March can really get to me if I allow it to. We are weary from the cold and eager for sunshine and flowers. We are eyeing up the end of the school year, but still have that final push. It is also the month that I lost my brother...this year will mark four years. This video spoke to my heart. May it speak to your heart as it did mine....
On a brighter note, I thought I would pass along a few great blogs to you.
I adore the kitchen and everything that comes from it. The kitchen is a happy place for my kids and I and we have made many sweet memories there. I am always eager to find great recipes, great sites and fun ideas to try with my lovelies. Perhaps you have heard of them, but if not, make sure to take a moment to visit and Think of me when you are enjoying something yummy!
I will close this random post with a few bits of truth and praise from King David.
"Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and all that is within me,
bless His holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits,
who forgives all you iniquity,
who heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit,
who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,
who satisfies you with good
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."
Psalm 103:1-5
O Sweet Jesus, thank you for forgiving me.
Thank you for pulling me from the pit of darkness and despair.
You not only redeemed me, but you have crowned me with love and mercy!
Thank you for satisfying me with all things good and promising renewal that I may soar above and see all of life from a completely different perspective.
Sweet Jesus, may my heart remember your goodness and faithfulness and may they sustain me all the days of my life.
I love you.
Good night friends!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
blessed are the pure in heart...
"Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God."
~Jesus Christ
Matthew 5:8
According to Webster's Dictionary printed in 1828, to be pure means to be undefiled, set apart, holy, uncontaminated and disconnected from anything unholy or dirty.
When I look at my life and reevaluate the intentions and affections of my heart, I see pockets of unholiness and impurity that dwell within them quietly, subtly and unnoticed. Or so I think. When I take the lens of Scripture and look upon those pockets, I can see how they have kept me from true communion with God and others at times. Those quiet areas have the ability to refocus my mind and heart just enough that I miss seeing God completely.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, brothers,
whatever is true,
whatever is noble,
whatever is right,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is admirable--if anything is praiseworthy or excellent--think about such things."
Philippians 4:6-8
Take notice that Apostle Paul transitions directly from prayer and peace to the thoughts and meditations of our hearts. They are directly related.
When our hearts are in a spirit of prayer and communion with God and seasoned with thanks,
the result will be truth, nobility, righteousness, purity, all things lovely, admirable, praiseworthy and excellent.
Through prayer, God will decipher truth from lie, purity from impurity, excellent from vile.
I want to see God.
I want to touch the heart of God.
I want the heart of God to beat within my chest and to pump blood through my veins.
But...I must be pure.
As I look at my heart through the lens of Scripture, I can be sure that God will reveal those quiet areas of impurity.
If only I would have the heart to let them go.
Self righteousness.
One thing I can be sure of, when purity becomes the desire of my heart,
Jesus Christ said that I will see God.
What a trade!
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