Monday, May 2, 2011

in due time

‘But let the brother of humble circumstances glory in his high position; and let the rich man glory in his humiliation because like a flowering grass he will pass away. For the sun rises with a scorching wind and withers the grass; and its flower falls off, and the beauty of its appearance is destroyed; so too the rich man in the midst of his pursuits will fade away.’
James 1: 9-11
Glory: to take delight in, to take joy in, to be thankful for
Humiliation:  Hebrew nabab: to be hollow, foolish, vain 
Appearance: Hebrew mikshol: stumbling block, obstacle, enticement, ruin
It is natural human behavior to resist pain and struggle, conflict or need. It is also natural human behavior to desire those things that are comfortable, extravagant and lovely. This Scripture flies in the face of all natural human behavior. It is easy to read this and think that God requires desolation and poverty as we walk this earth. We see how monks and other saints of the faith have taken this to heart, sold all they have had and have moved into a life of isolation or poverty. 
As I have studied this and prayed that God would bring this Scripture to life, I am excited to share what He has quietly spoken to my heart. 

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 that God uses the unlikely things of this earth to carry out His magnificent plan for humanity. It is in the weak that He shames the strong, it is in the 'foolish' wisdom of God that those savvy with worldly wisdom will be brought low. For God has chosen what is weak and foolish in this world to bring to nothing things that are glorified on earth so that no man could take the credit upon himself. 

I believe that is what James is referring to here. With worldly wealth dwells a quiet and subtle a spirit of pride, accomplishment and self dependence. Does God view wealth as sinful? No. Every good and perfect thing is from Him. He is the giver of wealth and health and beauty and strength. However, we must hold them loosely and possess them with great care and humility knowing that everything we are and everything we have is because He has willed it so. 

God is calling us to take joy in our humble position, whether that be a humble financial situation, ailing health, a wayward child or spouse or unfair treatment. For God has chosen those things with which to manifest His faithfulness, goodness and love. It is often in the midst of pain and earthly loss that we cling more tightly to Him and His promises. As we look upon the beautiful Cross of our Savior Jesus Christ, we see this more powerfully than anywhere else in Scripture. God’s perfect love and power spoken loudly, eloquently and graciously through the most unthinkable, unspeakable pain and desolation. God calls us to hold loosely to this life and all that comes with it. If Christ had not held loosely, there would have been no redemption. So it is with us, if we hold tightly to that which is temporary, we will miss the extravagant blessing and lessons that God has for us that are eternal in nature. 

James continues with words to those that cling tightly to their worldly gain: take joy in your vanity and hollow pursuits now for in time they will be shown for what they really are. As the original Hebrew suggests, the word appearance means stumbling block. The beauty of these temporary things of earth creates a false illusion of satisfaction and safety that act only as a snare to those that will be enticed by their indirect seduction. 

Take note that Scripture says, ‘in the midst of his pursuits, he will fade away.’ 
We all have an appointment with God that we will not be a moment late for. For my brother, he was just over 28 years old, mid March, 2007. God had that time set forth before he ever took a breath. He was in the midst of pursuit and God said, “now is your time. Come.” So it is with us. Every day we are growing closer to the day that has been set for us to meet our God. Either it will be a joyous meeting or a sorrowful one as everything we have pursued on earth will be shown for what it really is. 
God is faithful. He does not delight in sending His creation into hell, eternal separation from Him and all that He is. However, He is perfectly holy. In His holiness, He is jealous for the affections of our heart. When we have greater affection and love for the things of earth, our hearts can not be intertwined intimately with His. 

When we are walking through the fire of humble circumstances, it is often then that we embrace the beauty of the Cross and the very nature of God. Take joy in that season. Find strength in the wilderness. Allow your heart to fall madly in love with your faithful Sustainer as He allows you to be poured out like a drink offering during this humble existence on earth. Embrace the mystery of your humble calling and remember that in due time, all things on earth will be shown for what they really are. 
Blessing to you dear friends.

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