Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Abide in Me..."

"Abide in Me, and I in you.
As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself,
unless it abides in the vine, neither can you,
unless you abide in Me.
I am the Vine; you are the branches.
Whoever abides in me and I in him, 
he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me
you can do nothing." 
~Jesus Christ
John 15:4,5

I have been busy.
Unfortunately, this is a word that all Americans know too well. 
It is easy to start running and before we know it, there is hardly enough time to sleep or have a real conversation with someone we love. 
Busyness often robs us of the joy that God has intended through life as we walk intimately with Him and others. 
It is when accomplishment becomes the central focus of our waking lives that we fail to abide. As a result, the fruitfulness of abiding with Jesus Christ becomes less and less as life becomes more and more about self. 

I had the great privilege of serving as a bridesmaid for a great life long friend who married over the weekend. What a holy celebration of life and love it was! 
I took off last Monday so I could be nearer than 350 miles to help with anything that needed doing before the actual wedding. While there, the kids and I enjoyed two different zoos, a science museum, horseback riding, numerous bike rides and great time with family. 
All of these things were great and I believe that God delights in us savoring the gift of family and dwelling in unity together. However, the busyness took my heart away from the quiet intimacy of my walk with God and quiet fellowship with Him in His Word and prayer. 

Spring time has set in and summer is quickly coming. With the joy of the sunshine and warm weather comes the pressure of lawn and garden, landscape and upkeep. Not only that, but inside we still have loads of work to do in regards to the massive home renovation project that we are still working on. From the moment we open our eyes in the morning, the 'TO DO' list is staring us in the face. Just hearing my neighbor's lawn mower stresses me out because mine is in desperate need of cutting as well. There are piles of sheetrock and remnants of what used to be walls and floor littering our yard from front to back. Christmas lights hang lifelessly and gravel from a winter's worth of plowing still litters our lawn. There is a garden plot waiting to be planted and a rose bush waiting to go into the ground. That's just the outside stuff...don't even get me started on the inside stuff. 
There is still a school year to finish and just the day to day household stuff from laundry to bills. 
Then there is the church stuff. Trips and events being planned, meetings to attend and calls to make. Lessons to teach and a devotional to write. 
There is the upcoming triathlon as well that requires training that hasn't been done. The miles I have intended to run, but failed to. The bike that I have intended to ride, but have neglected to. 
I could go on and on. 

God delights in us walking intentionally with Him. It is easy to spend time in God's Word as it suits us and fail to strive with great effort to be with Him. We pray at meal times and before bed. We listen to Christian radio and reference God in our conversation from time to time all the while failing to connect personally and intimately without the rush of the world whirling around us. 

Jesus Christ has invited us to abide in Him and He with us. 
It is only through abiding with Him that strivings will cease and He will begin to produce fruit within us that is far more beautiful than we can do through our own efforts. 
This is not to say that we will not be busy or that we will just sit and pray all day long. 
This does mean that our walk with Him will not be replaced with serving, doing, striving, or running. Rather, the first fruits of our time, energy, attention and affection are spent with Him and we move forward from there all the while remembering the words penned by King David in Psalm 127...
'Unless the Lord build the house,
he who labors, labors in vain...'

Remember, it is not about what you get done today,
it is about bearing eternal fruit that will edify those around you that really matters. 

my heart is so anxious it is almost in a state of panic. 
There are so many things that I need to do that I find myself believing there is no time to sit with You and allow Your spirit to speak truth to mine. I am a Martha by nature, which I know of itself is not wrong for it is how you created me. But just as Martha was distracted from the one thing that was the most important, I am as well. Focus my heart today on Your face and remind me that it is only through abiding with You that my life will bear the fruit that I so badly desire. Remind me loving Lord, that unless You build the house--unless You inhabit the work of my hands and the strivings of my heart, it is all for nothing. 

Thank you for the sun that has risen and the birds that are singing. 
May my life be lived intentionally today with eternity in mind. 
I love you.


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