Monday, April 11, 2011

The Letter of James

Good morning and happy Monday to all!

As hard as it is to re acclimate after the weekend, I actually appreciate Mondays.
Anyway, I am looking forward to what's ahead for fettered heart.
I must have the soul of a writer, because I am always praying and thinking about what to write about next. I am always listening for ear catching stories, quotes or Bible passages that I can faithfully share with my Bloggies (of which you are one, whether you realize it or not :)

without many details other than that God has been refining me the last six months, I have really appreciated the letter of James.
James chapter 1 has 26 verses and I am looking forward to walking with you through this power packed chapter of God's love letter to us.
So won't you open your Bible to the end of the New Testament and read through James chapter 1 with me?


a servant of God and of the the Lord Jesus Christ,
to the twelve tribes in the Dispersion:
James 1:1

I love this verse. 
We have all been given a name. 
At first, the name is something that strikes a cord with our parents. 
As we grow however, it is something that we take ownership of and make in to something. 
A name says a lot about a person
(my middle name is Christmas...I'll give you one guess to determine my birthday...and no, I am not kidding)
but what we become tells a lot more. 

James describes himself simply and beautifully here:
'a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ'
no credentials. no accolades. no glory. no jaw dropping resume. 
just a humble position in relation to a sin bearing, death conquering, soul redeeming Savior. 
James walked with Jesus.
He knew Jesus.
He reclined with Jesus. 
This became who he was and what he did--he served and gave the glory to Him.

As I think about this in relation to my life this week and this morning,
I wonder how I would describe myself in one sentence, and I think I like James' description.
'Tiffany, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ'
I love it. 
That is who I want to be. 
I do a lot of things, I wear a lot of hats, I fill a lot of roles. 
But, at the end of the day, when all is said and done
(or often not done in my case)
the only thing that remains is the identity of my soul. 
I am a believer in Jesus Christ
and my life is lived in humble and beautiful service to Him.
Apart from this, my life is nothing but chasing the wind. 

I love that James starts his letter to the twelve tribes this way. 
He makes sure that we know that it is not about him, 
but rather his Savior. 
After all, it's not about what we know, but Who we know right? 
which is great for me, because I don't know much. 
my credentials are hardly impressive.
But my Savior...
now that is worth talking about. 
So today, that is exactly what I will do. 

'Tiffany, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ'...
I like it. 

How would you describe yourself on this happy Monday morning?
tired doesn't count :) 


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