Three women...
three women that are more like sisters than friends...
three women with three stories...
three women that my heart loves...
three women that love Jesus and want nothing more than to glorify Him through their time on earth.
One woman just said her last good byes to her dad as she buried him on Friday.
One woman is taking life in stride as she hears the words 'tumor' and 'biopsy' and 'brain surgery' as they relate to her thirty-seven year old groom and best friend and father of her two young children.
And yet another woman, making an unplanned flight to the East Coast to stay by her brother's side as he lives his final days. She encourages his wife and his sixteen year old daughter who is praying Daddy doesn't die on her birthday today.
Three friends. Three lives. Three stories.
Three women holding fast to God's faithful promises and His abiding presence.
'Your eyes saw my unformed body
and all the days ordained for me
were written in Your Book before even one of them came to be.'
Psalm 139:16
'"For the mountains may depart
and the hills be removed,
but my steadfast love shall not depart from you,
and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,"
says the Lord who has compassion on you.'
Isaiah 54:10
This life is nothing more than a vapor.
We watch people like the Kardashian's or the Jolie-Pitt's living opulent lives full of glamor and exotic experiences, but when all is said and done, our lives will be shown for what they really are and only the eternal will remain (1 Corinthians 3:12-15).
Nothing will last.
Steve Jobs took no Apple shares with him.
Kim Kardashian's multi-million dollar ring is nothing more than shiny rock confined to a dusty planet.
The long black limos and the designer clothes, the corporate ladder and the Ivy League's all just stuff of Earth. Nothing has the power to save other than the name of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 1:18).
For 'what does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and yet loses his soul?' (Mark 8:36)
My friends...before your head hits your pillow...before you turn out the light...make things right.
Don't rest another moment until you are in right relationship with God and others.
The last conversation I had with my brother is one that I will regret forever.
Don't make the same mistake.
Turn off the TV.
Log off of Facebook.
Love your children. Apologize to your spouse. Seek peace with your parents...neighbors...friends...foes.
Use the breath in your lungs to breathe a word of thanks for the life you have lived, the privileges you have had and the people that love you.
But most of all, make things right with God if you have not done so.
God's Word says, "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23) .
The truth is this: we are not guaranteed heaven. As humans, we want to believe that every person that has ever lived a 'good' life is spending eternity in heaven. This is far from truth. God's Word clearly states that we must first acknowledge that we are in need of a Savior (Romans 3:23) and that we must confess this (Romans 10:9) before Him. When we do, He will be faithful to forgive us and deliver us from them (1 John 1:9).
We are not guaranteed heaven in and of ourselves, but we are guaranteed heaven when we call upon His name.
Three women...
Three stories...
Three opportunities to see God faithfully at work in the lives of those that love Him.
I don't know whose story will be next...perhaps it will be yours...perhaps it will be mine,
but take heart in knowing that every day of your life is so firmly held in His hand.
but take heart in knowing that every day of your life is so firmly held in His hand.
It is just up to you how you will choose to live them.
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