Tuesday, December 21, 2010

the beauty of brotherhood

'I thank my God in all my remembrance of you,
always in every prayer of mine for you all
making my prayer with joy,
because of your partnership in the Gospel
from the first day until now.'
Philippians 1:3-5

I am so thankful that God created friendship. It is the beauty among the ashes, the laughter through the pain, the refuge in the storm. 

This past week we spent five days reuniting with friends that we haven't seen in as many as six years. At one time we all represented one community, one church and one stage of life. Now, we cover the United States and represent different communities, different churches and different stages of life. While many things have changed, one thing has remained and that is our bond through Jesus Christ. 

There are many things in life for which I am thankful and sweet friendship that spans distance and time is definitely one of them. The beauty of vulnerability, the sweetness of Godly counsel and the refreshment of laughter and tears is not something that comes along every day. As we said our goodbyes and drove to the airport, my heart was humbled to know that there will always be a group of women that have my back at all times. Even more than that, I am thankful for their partnership with me in the Gospel. Although we didn't go door to door evangelizing or raising money for orphans, we prayed together, encouraged one another and challenged one another. We praised our husbands, talked about raising children and spoke clearly of what God is doing in our hearts, marriages, and lives. 

What a great blessing it is to have women that will faithfully partner with me as I journey through this life as a woman, wife, mother and Christian. May God bless you with sweet partnership in the Gospel as you seek to follow Him faithfully. Blessings to you. 

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