Thursday, December 1, 2011

365 days ago

I love birthdays.
I love to celebrate life--the gift of life, love, health and God's favor granted yet another year.
Birthdays are a day to step back for a moment and walk down memory lane.
Sometimes the memories bring smiles and other times the memories bring pain.
2007 was a hard year.
I was eager to shout 'Happy New Year!', kiss my husband, throw confetti and pray for an easier year to come in 2008.

Sometimes birthdays can stress me out though, because I want them to be so special and so perfect that I get myself so worked up over it that I don't even enjoy the day and I find myself thinking, "I just can't wait 'til it's over..." 

You see, today is a birthday that I have anticipated very much.
It is not my birthday, although it is awfully close, but rather the birthday of this humble little writing space that I call 'fettered heart'.
It was one year ago today that with anxious fingers and an open slate, I made my first blog post.

As I look back on where I have come, I have to chuckle a bit.
I used to check my stats all the time, count my followers one by one and think grand thoughts of where this humble little space was going to take me.

Now, a year later, with less than thirty people committed to reading (that I know of anyway), I have to smile at who God has shown Himself to be.

I have not gained followers, but I have grown in understanding of what it means to follow.
Truly follow.
I don't have a lot of visits per day,
but the amount of times that God thinks of me is immeasurable (Psalm 139).
I have wrestled with God,
shared Scripture,
and encouraged you as God has encouraged me.

Never did I think that God would minister to me through this blog, but that is exactly what He has done.
I am no more 'famous' or known because of this little space,
but my heart has been drawn closer to the heart of my King
and that my friends, is so much more than I could have ever dreamed of just one year ago.

Happy Birthday fettered heart and thank you Jesus for your faithfulness to me in every area of life, including this little space on the world wide web.


**through out this week, I will be re-posting some of my favorite blog posts, posts that still speak truth to my heart. I pray that you will be blessed as you walk down memory lane with me through this next week.
Be blessed dear friends.

1 comment:

  1. I am always blessed by your blog posts, Tiffany. I love the perspective you have on the ordinary and the extraordinary. Keep writing!
