The week is in front of me, unopened and undefiled. I don't know what you have in store for me Lord, but I pray that You would be glorified. I pray that I would take joy in trial (James 1), remain steadfast in all things and that even in joy and plenty, my heart would remain set on you. As the things of earth seek to enrapture my heart, may my heart and mind be stayed on you. Reveal to me the pockets of sin that keep my heart from true companionship with you and may the work of my hands bring you praise and glory. I pray that regardless of the joy or tragedy, success or failure, normal and mundane that await me this week, that evidences of you would be apparent to all as your presence is experienced and your faithfulness is revealed. May others see you through my life this week and be encouraged by your unmerited kindness to this wayward and sinful woman. As a result, may their hearts be drawn to yours and may your spirit guide and direct us as we seek to live lives of obedience and conviction. Father, grant me the peace to accept the things of life that I can not change, the courage and conviction to change the things I can, and the heavenly wisdom to discern between the two. May my love for you grow this week and as a result may my love for others grow as well.
Thank you for the promise of your presence (Psalm 139) in all things and at all times. I love you; thank you for loving me and thank you for saving me.
Glorify yourself in and through me on this blessed Monday and through this week.
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