...'And so, from the day we heard,
we have not ceased to pray for you,
asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,
so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord,
fully pleasing to Him,
bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.
May you be strengthened with all power,
according to His glorious might,
for all endurance and patience with joy,
giving thanks to the Father,
who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.
He has delivered us from the domain of darkness
and transferred us to the kingdom onf his beloved Son,
in whom we have redemption,
the forgiveness of sins.'
Colossians 1:9-14
There is enough 'material' in that beautifully articulated prayer for twenty blog posts.
I will simply say that this prayer is an all-sufficient prayer.
Whether we are battling cancer or battling discouragement.
Whether we are struggling with gratitude or struggling with poverty.
When we are filled with knowledge of God, spiritual wisdom and understanding,
and are walking in right relationship with Him,
we are bearing fruit and
our lives,
our cancer,
our poverty,
our attitudes,
have meaning.
Paul was not ignorant. He knew that he was praying for something that supercedes all human strength or ability...hence the second part of the prayer: the prayer for strength, endurance and patience with joy.
It is God's way of saying,
"Loved One...
I have called you to be set apart, to live life differently, to understand Who I Am, What I am doing and to join Me in that so your life will have purpose.
know that the Enemy despises you and will work tirelessly to discourage you, disuade you and disarm you.
Hold onto Me and I will bless your heart and mind with endurance,
patience with joy
and gratitude.
And Loved One...
don't ever forget
that you have been delivered.
you have been transferred to the kingdom of MY Beloved Son,
of whom you are an heir
and from whom you are forgiven and redeemed.
Don't ever forget that. "
When we walk with God, we do not arrive at perfection of any kind,
for if we did, there would be no need for dependance upon our Holy God.
No, no. He allows our sin nature to remain so as to continue our love relationship with Him--the daily opportunity to choose Him over what the world offers...what our minds believe we want or need...to His Spirit that strengthens us and gives us hope and endurance and patience with joy.
Take hold of this today.
Be strengthened.
Saturate yourself in God's Word and so grow in the knowledge of Him.
Walk with Him and you will walk in manner worthy of a Jesus follower.
Bear fruit.
Take joy.
and remember...
you have been qualified
because you have been delivered.
Savor the light and refuse to go back to darkness.
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