'But we have this treasure in jars of clay,
to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.'
2 Corinthians 4:7
Reach out.
It is easy to preach and even easier to justify neglecting.
Busyness. Motherhood. Marriage. Ministry.
I am the first to explain why I am not 'reaching out' to my neighbors--why, I am busy running a household, a school and a ministry!
Still...the still, small voice of the Spirit beckons me.
You see, I am not an outgoing person.
Those of you that know me are shaking your heads now I know, but I hate awkward conversations, personal introductions and all that comes with 'branching out'. It is much easier to make a few friends and stay close. Much easier.
Over and over again the last few months this word has kept me awake at night.
I have challenged our youth kids to reach out.
Sunday I spoke to our congregation and challenged them to take church beyond our walls.
Christ says, "Go therefore into all the world, making disciples, and teaching and baptizing in My name..." (Matthew 28)
You see, I am willing to go as long as I agree to the terms.
I had a conversation with some women of our church back in February. I was young enough to be their granddaughter and I have a tremendous amount of respect for these women. We were talking about reaching out and welcoming others into the community and into our church when I mentioned baking pies and greeting newcomers.
One woman responded, "I am willing to bake the pie, but I make my husband bring it over."
"Why?" I asked in surprise.
"Because it is awkward meeting someone and he is better at it than me."
The conversation continued and it was decided that it was a 'cultural' thing--staunch, self-contained Norwegians and all. Best kept to themselves.
Yeah, it's cultural not to reach out.
But is it Biblical?
Last night, while walking with my family a single mom passed by with her youngest daughter trailing close behind on a bike. There was no wave, no smile, no gesture of greeting exchanged. I have seen her dozens of times before and we know of each other from another social circle from years ago. I have never seen her smile. Never.
Then it hit me--I need to reach out to her.
I looked up at my husband and said it out loud, "DUH! There is my ministry!"
As I walked with God this morning, the thought of this woman weighed heavy on my heart. She does not strike me as friendly or easy to approach. What in the world would I say? Just as I have judged her, I am sure she has pegged me as this stay-at-home-wife with a perfect life and a husband who has a good job.... Why in the world would she want to associate with me? How do I approach her? She has been losing weight and really working hard at it, so bringing her cookies doesn't seem to work. Do I just knock on her door and invite her to go for a walk? Now if that isn't awkward.....
Then my mind trailed to the other single woman living in a trailer house just two doors down and across from the first woman. I had just as many questions for God about where to begin with her as well. I mean, do you just knock on the door and invite them to church? Perhaps dinner at our house? Something in me says that would be a touch odd.
Needless to say, I came up with no 'good ideas' and instead ended my prayer with,
"OK God. I am willing to be obedient. That's all I've got. If you want this to happen, you have to do the rest."
Tonight (twelve hours later) as I was walking my dog and taking the kids to the park, we passed by their houses and they were both sitting together in one front yard. I waved and shouted, "Hello neighbors!" and was thankful to hear a happy reply. I kept on my way.
On my way home, they were still there, this time with no children. I thought about walking over and introducing myself, but thought that may seem a little intrusive (there are those excuses again...) so instead I just waved another hello.
Much to my surprise they started chatting with me from across the yard and eventually invited me over. After nearly twenty minutes of pleasant conversation the non-smiling one smiled huge and said, "thanks so much for stopping by. It has been really great talking with you." The other happily agreed.
To which I replied, "Me too. Oh and hey, I love to walk and run and it is so much better when you're not alone. Perhaps we could go for a walk together some time."
"I would love that. Let's do that," she replied. Again, the other happily agreed.
I walked away astounded by my doubtfulness and God's greatness.
"Baby girl...all I ask is obedience and willingness. I will do the rest.
I will create opportunities and give you the eyes to see them and the heart to seize them. You, my dear child, just need to obey and enjoy the blessing of obedience. It is I that opens doors. It is I that authors divine appointments. It is I at work in you and in those around you. Just be obedient."
I am nothing but a jar of clay.
But because the Spirit lives within me, His all surpassing power dwells within me as well.
What a treasure!