Tuesday, June 26, 2012

nothing but a jar

'But we have this treasure in jars of clay,
to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.'
2 Corinthians 4:7

Reach out. 
It is easy to preach and even easier to justify neglecting. 
Busyness. Motherhood. Marriage. Ministry. 
I am the first to explain why I am not 'reaching out' to my neighbors--why, I am busy running a household, a school and a ministry! 

Still...the still, small voice of the Spirit beckons me. 
You see, I am not an outgoing person. 
Those of you that know me are shaking your heads now I know, but I hate awkward conversations, personal introductions and all that comes with 'branching out'. It is much easier to make a few friends and stay close. Much easier. 

Over and over again the last few months this word has kept me awake at night. 
I have challenged our youth kids to reach out. 
Sunday I spoke to our congregation and challenged them to take church beyond our walls. 
Christ says, "Go therefore into all the world, making disciples, and teaching and baptizing in My name..." (Matthew 28) 

You see, I am willing to go as long as I agree to the terms.
I had a conversation with some women of our church back in February. I was young enough to be their granddaughter and I have a tremendous amount of respect for these women. We were talking about reaching out and welcoming others into the community and into our church when I mentioned baking pies and greeting newcomers. 
One woman responded, "I am willing to bake the pie, but I make my husband bring it over." 
"Why?" I asked in surprise. 
"Because it is awkward meeting someone and he is better at it than me." 
The conversation continued and it was decided that it was a 'cultural' thing--staunch, self-contained Norwegians and all. Best kept to themselves. 
Yeah, it's cultural not to reach out. 
But is it Biblical? 

Last night, while walking with my family a single mom passed by with her youngest daughter trailing close behind on a bike. There was no wave, no smile, no gesture of greeting exchanged. I have seen her dozens of times before and we know of each other from another social circle from years ago. I have never seen her smile. Never. 

Then it hit me--I need to reach out to her
I looked up at my husband and said it out loud, "DUH! There is my ministry!" 
As I walked with God this morning, the thought of this woman weighed heavy on my heart. She does not strike me as friendly or easy to approach. What in the world would I say? Just as I have judged her, I am sure she has pegged me as this stay-at-home-wife with a perfect life and a husband who has a good job.... Why in the world would she want to associate with me? How do I approach her? She has been losing weight and really working hard at it, so bringing her cookies doesn't seem to work. Do I just knock on her door and invite her to go for a walk? Now if that isn't awkward.....

Then my mind trailed to the other single woman living in a trailer house just two doors down and across from the first woman. I had just as many questions for God about where to begin with her as well. I mean, do you just knock on the door and invite them to church? Perhaps dinner at our house? Something in me says that would be a touch odd. 

Needless to say, I came up with no 'good ideas' and instead ended my prayer with, 
"OK God. I am willing to be obedient. That's all I've got. If you want this to happen, you have to do the rest." 

Tonight (twelve hours later) as I was walking my dog and taking the kids to the park, we passed by their houses and they were both sitting together in one front yard. I waved and shouted, "Hello neighbors!" and was thankful to hear a happy reply. I kept on my way. 
On my way home, they were still there, this time with no children. I thought about walking over and introducing myself, but thought that may seem a little intrusive (there are those excuses again...) so instead I just waved another hello. 
Much to my surprise they started chatting with me from across the yard and eventually invited me over. After nearly twenty minutes of pleasant conversation the non-smiling one smiled huge and said, "thanks so much for stopping by. It has been really great talking with you." The other happily agreed. 
To which I replied, "Me too. Oh and hey, I love to walk and run and it is so much better when you're not alone. Perhaps we could go for a walk together some time." 
"I would love that. Let's do that," she replied. Again, the other happily agreed. 

I walked away astounded by my doubtfulness and God's greatness. 
"Baby girl...all I ask is obedience and willingness. I will do the rest. 
I will create opportunities and give you the eyes to see them and the heart to seize them. You, my dear child, just need to obey and enjoy the blessing of obedience. It is I that opens doors. It is I that authors divine appointments. It is I at work in you and in those around you. Just be obedient."

I am nothing but a jar of clay. 
But because the Spirit lives within me, His all surpassing power dwells within me as well. 
What a treasure!


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Lessons from the Letter: complete control

‘These are the words of the letter that Jeremiah the prophet sent from Jerusalem to the surviving elders of the exiles, and to the priests, the prophets, and all the people, whom Nebuchadnezzar had taken into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon...
“Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel,
to all the exiles from whom I sent into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon:’
Jeremiah 29:1, 4
I love finding treasures such as this; little gold nuggets of truth, encouragement and insight tucked away beneath seemingly meaningless or un-inspirational dialog that without the Lord’s revelation, remain hidden and unseen and their blessing left behind. 
Re-read these simple words again and I pray that you will see what appears to be a contradiction. The Israelites have been taken into exile...or were they sent? Perhaps it means nothing, but I think it means everything. 
Verse one it would appear that Nebuchadnezzar receives the ‘credit’ for the exile of God’s chosen people. Verse four however says that God sent them into exile. So...which is it? were they taken or sent? 
One implies the plans of man are paramount, dictating and successful. 
The other states boldly that although it was not a desirable situation, there was a God in charge--a God who sent them.
But this still leaves a question unanswered: why would the Bible state both? How can they dwell together in the same situation and chapter?
Because God is in complete control.
It is clear that Nebuchadnezzar had a plan--a scheme--to capture the Hebrew nation and take them into exile for his own purposes. It is important that this be known because such is life on this sin plagued planet. Wicked, sinful, thoughtless, selfish, devious, hurtful plans of others, imposed on the deserving and undeserving. The curse of sin leaves no man unaffected. 
Perhaps it is unwanted disease or unmerited affliction. Perhaps it is sudden tragedy or undeserved agony. 
Bad things happening to good people. 
this is not where the story ends. 
Verse four states that God sent them. God allowed it. God planned it. 
While it may appear that the wicked plans of man are successful, God is careful to point out that it is He alone that allows or prevents that schemes of man. 
He is in complete control. 
This often brings about another question, asked in only three letters and often heavy with hurt and anger, sadness and fear: 
This is a legitimate question, and although a response may be deserved, there are times that a response is not given, at least not immediately. 
But, deep in the muck and mire of the hurt and pain, lay a few abstract verses, easily passed over and the blessing of them easily left behind:
A scheme of man,
allowed by God...
because He is in complete control. 
As we read on, we will catch a glimpse of God’s heart and unwavering love for His people. 
For now dear friend, allow the simplicity and beauty of this truth to settle into the quietest and darkest part of your soul:
You don’t get it, you don’t see it, you don’t like it...
when all is said and done, 
it is God who wills and God who allows and God who is,
because He is and will always be, 
in complete control. 
It is in His complete control that we will uncover our greatest blessing, our greatest protection and a hope and a future. 
Read on Friend and you will see. Read on and find hope. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Lessons from the Letter: intro

I discovered written words on a page at a very young age. I have always loved to read and it didn't take long for that to develop into a love for writing as well.
I remember looking forward to my Keys for Kids devotion every morning (I still do them with my kids every morning!) and quizzically reading the Bible.
It intrigued me. It inspired me. It challenged me. I liked it.

For as many years as I have been reading God's Word, there are still a great many sections (and even books) that I have not read, or have hardly read. Most of them are the Old Testament prophets.

People are quick to spout out verses like John 3:16, Psalm 23 or Jeremiah 29:11. I am guilty, just like the rest of them but it has always made me wonder, "do they even know the context by which the author was writing?"

The other morning, during our Keys for Kids devo time, the passage was Jeremiah 29:11-13.
As I listened to my husband read the well worn words, I wondered what Jeremiah was thinking about as he penned this letter to the exiles. I wondered what God was trying to say in the passage as a whole.
That night, after the kids were in bed and the day's work put away for the evening, I started reading Jeremiah 29.

What a letter!
I am so eager to share with you what God shared with me.
I am probably late to the party (as my husband likes to say when I 'discover' a love for a movie two years after everyone else...) as everyone has probably read this incredible and puzzling passage of Scripture already.
But, I don't care.
I am sharing it anyway.

If you learn nothing from the next several posts, may you be encouraged to know that even after 25 years of reading God's Word, it can still breathe new life into the dust and bring forth wholeness and inspiration.
So won't you come with me to the well? Come, drink and come away refreshed.

Between now and the next post, I encourage you to read Jeremiah 29: 1-14.

happy reading!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

living a legacy. leaving a legacy.

April 2012
Blog, meet Great Grandma; Great Grandma meet the blog.
Great Grandma will be ninety this August and what a near-century it has been!
As her days on earth draw to a close, she is eagerly anticipating the moment that her Savior's face will come into clear view and her feet will trod streets of gold and her tongue will never cease to sing Hallelujah! 

During our last visit, it was just J and I. The kids were 350 miles away and we just sat with her and asked questions about life and love and legacy. We talked about long days and short years. We talked about living life and loving life and the regret that comes in between. We ended with Psalm 103, her favorite passage of Scripture and the passage she has requested her great grandchildren read aloud at her celebration service.

This simple song penned by a harp-playing, sheep guarding, shepherd and king-to-be, is the song that sustains this beautiful woman and focuses her heart of the faithfulness of God. May it bless your heart in much the same way.

'Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and all that is within me, bless His holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all His benefits,
who forgives all your iniquity,
who heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit,
who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,
who satisfies you with good 
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. 
The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.
He made known His ways to Moses,
His acts to the people of Israel.
The Lord is merciful and gracious,
slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
He will not always chide, nor will He keep His anger forever.
He does not deal with us according to our sins,
nor repay us according to our iniquities. 
For as high as the heavens are above the earth, 
so great is His steadfast love toward those who fear Him;
as far as the east is from the west, 
so far does He remove our sin from us.
As a father shows compassion to his children,
so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear Him.
For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust. 
As for man, his days are like grass;
he flourishes like a flower in the field;
for the wind passes over it and it is gone,
and its place knows it no more. 
But the steadfast love of the Lord is from 
everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him,
and His righteousness to children's children,
to those who keep his covenant and remember His commands. 
The Lord has established his throne in the heavens, 
and His kingdom rules over all. 
Bless the Lord, O you his angels,
you mighty ones who do His word,
obeying the voice of His word!
Bless the Lord, all His hosts,
his ministers, all who do His will!
Bless the Lord all, all His works, 
in all the places of His dominion.
Bless the Lord, O my soul!'
~King David
Psalm 103

Live well today friend. 
Love well today, for such is how Christ has loved you. 
Love well and live well, 
for it may be your last opportunity to do so. 
Bless the Lord, O my soul!


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

hope of glory

The house is starting to stir with the sound of little feet and sleepy bodies arousing from sleep.
Soon the day will be full of words--children asking for what they need...what they think they need...
people greeting and those returning the greetings.
friendly conversations and irritated exchanges.
In all of the words spoken through the course of any day, I would venture to say the most beautiful word in the spoken language of any tribe, any tongue or any dialect is hope.

'To them God chose to make known how great among 
the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery,
which is Christ in you,
the hope of glory.'
Colossians 1:27

God chose. 
He is subject to no one. He is second to none. 
He chose on His own divine and perfect accord.

how great among the Gentiles...
Israel is His chosen nation. His beloved people (Isaiah 43).
The Gentiles were alienated...enemies of God and His chosen people. 
They represented godlessness, depravity and hopelessness (Matthew 5:47, 6:7, 32; Luke 21:24).
Following Christ's death and resurrection, we see reconciliation between God and His people--all of His created people.
By including the Gentiles and revealing Himself to the Gentiles, it's as though God is saying,
"Dear child...if I can save them... if I can reveal myself to them...if my love can extend to them...
it can extend to you as well. Just reach out and take hold of it." 

Christ in you...
alive. personal. active. present.
in. you. 
This is not some strange possession that will make you foam at the mouth or run up and down the aisles of a church and send money to the televangelist. 
This is a God that stepped out of heaven--took off the robes of perfect glory and stepped into human skin and lived by the agonizing rules of the human race.
This is about a God that is relateable. victorious over the things that hold you down.
and He desires to be present, not only on Sunday mornings, or Easter or Christmas, or during crisis...
but He longs to live in you.
through the every day comings and goings of mundane life. 
through the mountain tops and the valleys below. 
through the light of day and dark of night.
through the private and the public. the intimate and the known. 
Christ in you!

the hope of glory.
hope of a future spent with God for all of eternity. 
hope of His presence in our lives while we journey through life on this dusty and messy planet. 
the beautiful understanding that all we have...all we are...all we hope to be...
is summed up in three words:
Christ in you. 
He is our hope. 
He is our glory. 
He is our future. 
He is our redemption from the past. 
He is healing. 
He is sustainer. 
He is hope. 

May a spirit of humility and overwhelming gratitude wash over you as your heart bends under the weight of His fullness.
Don't pat yourself on your back for your greatness, because there is no such thing. 
Don't give way to discouragement in light of your failures or flaws--God is a redeemer and hope. 
Everything we have, everything we desire to do and succeed at doing is from Him
It is Christ in us that is our hope of glory.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


...'And so, from the day we heard,
we have not ceased to pray for you,
asking that you  may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,
so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, 
fully pleasing to Him,
bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.
May you be strengthened with all power,
according to His glorious might,
for all endurance and patience with joy,
giving thanks to the Father, 
who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.
He has delivered us from the domain of darkness
and transferred us to the kingdom onf his beloved Son,
in whom we have redemption, 
the forgiveness of sins.'
Colossians 1:9-14

There is enough 'material' in that beautifully articulated prayer for twenty blog posts.

I will simply say that this prayer is an all-sufficient prayer. 
Whether we are battling cancer or battling discouragement.
Whether we are struggling with gratitude or struggling with poverty.
When we are filled with knowledge of God, spiritual wisdom and understanding,
and are walking in right relationship with Him,
we are bearing fruit and 
our lives,
our cancer,
our poverty,
our attitudes,
have meaning. 

Paul was not ignorant. He knew that he was praying for something that supercedes all human strength or ability...hence the second part of the prayer: the prayer for strength, endurance and patience with joy. 

It is God's way of saying, 
"Loved One...
I have called you to be set apart, to live life differently, to understand Who I Am, What I am doing and to join Me in that so your life will have purpose. 
know that the Enemy despises you and will work tirelessly to discourage you, disuade you and disarm you. 
Hold onto Me and I will bless your heart and mind with endurance,
patience with joy
and gratitude. 
And Loved One...
don't ever forget
that you have been delivered. 
you have been transferred to the kingdom of MY Beloved Son,
of whom you are an heir
and from whom you are forgiven and redeemed.
Don't ever forget that. "

When we walk with God, we do not arrive at perfection of any kind, 
for if we did, there would be no need for dependance upon our Holy God. 
No, no. He allows our sin nature to remain so as to continue our love relationship with Him--the daily opportunity to choose Him over what the world offers...what our minds believe we want or need...to His Spirit that strengthens us and gives us hope and endurance and patience with joy. 

Take hold of this today. 
Be strengthened. 
Saturate yourself in God's Word and so grow in the knowledge of Him.
Walk with Him and you will walk in manner worthy of a Jesus follower. 
Bear fruit. 
Take joy. 
and remember...
you have been qualified
because you have been delivered. 
Savor the light and refuse to go back to darkness. 
