"I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers,
because I hear of your love and of the faith that
you have toward the Lord Jesus and all the saints..."
~Apostle Paul to Philemon
Philemon 4,5
Recently I have done a Bible study about becoming a disciple of Christ and making disciples who make disciples who make disciples....
In some ways I think those around me wish I hadn't done that study because it has had such an impact on me that I just want to share it with others (or pretty much any living thing that will sit still long enough to listen......)
One of the comments made that really challenged my heart and opened my eyes to see and understand an element of my relationship with Christ differently was this:
"God has called us to a personal relationship
with Him,
not a private one."
While some may argue that we are not all created to be evangelists and preachers, we are all called to
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you..."
~Jesus Christ
Matthew 28: 19, 20
In this letter to Philemon, Paul is encouraging his brother by letting him know that his faithfulness has had an impact as he has sought to live a life of love toward others. It is clear from this acknowledgement that the faith Philemon has is not something he has kept to himself. He lives life out loud so those that cross his path will hear the melody of his soul.
We live in a culture that justifies mediocre Christianity with the noble excuse of 'not offending' or 'not being pushy'. We have believed the lie that we must be tolerant of all views at all times and at all cost. This mentality carries with it harsh and real consequences, the main one being a watered down relationship with the One that bled for the iniquity of the very people that are embarrassed to speak His name in case they 'offend'.
Jesus Christ has called us to "Go and....."
We have been called into a personal relationship with the God and Creator of all this has been, all that is and all that will be.
The Bible tells us that 'while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us...' (Romans 5:8)
He did not die for you so that you could hoard this gift. Quite the contrary actually.
He, in his mercy, has reached down to save you from the pit of darkness and sin and shame so that it would change you and free you from the fear that holds you back.
When we begin this journey of faith as a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), we will see that God through us has the power to change lives, impact others and mend the broken souls that are all around us. It is not about the gifts you have or the good you are capable of....it is quite the contrary actually.
It is the God of healing at work in you and through you.
It is the God of boldness freeing you from the fear that keeps you quiet and speaking words through your human tongue.
It is about God in us and through us.
As I walk with God and understand the person of God in a more profound way,
the desire I have to stand on the mountaintops and share with any breathing thing, is not something I can resist.
After all, God has called me to a personal relationship...
not a private one.
I am determined that Him through me will have an impact on thosr around me.
I pray that it would be said of me,
"I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers,
because I hear of your love and of the faith that
you have toward the Lord Jesus and all the saints..."
To HIM be the glory and the power and the honor
forever and ever.