'Rather train yourself for Godliness;
for while physical training is of some value,
Godliness is of value in every way,
as it holds promise
for the present life
and for the life to come.'
1 Timonthy 4:7b, 8
Three years ago, my husband and I were in training for our first half marathon.
For some, 13 miles is nothing, but for this tired mother of four, 13 miles might as well have been clear across the state of Minnesota. But, I felt like nothing in the world could hold me back.
After laying flat on my back for sixteen weeks, taking medication around the clock and doing enough Sudoku puzzles to last a lifetime, I had shed my baby fat and felt as though there was no race too great and no challenge too hard, that I could not face it, race it and defeat it.
I met my match.
J retrieving a clue during our 10 hour adventure race |
5th overall with a time of 10hrs and 13 minutes... |
In many ways, this race caught me...us...off guard.
I was the one that saw the e-mail about this race. I called my husband over and as he read over my shoulder he shook his head and dismissed it as another one of my crazy ideas. I pulled him back, spun myself around and looked him straight in the face--"Babe, we can do this. We can do this!"
After some twisting, we signed up and continued training as we had been.
Every time we thought of our upcoming 10-hour adventure race, we would shutter with excitement.
Looking back, I am not sure there was anything that could have prepared us for the intesity of this race. The mud was thick and deep, the climbs were high, the roads were heavy with sand and the miles were intense. As we zig zagged across the rugged landscape and made our way in between potato trucks heavy with harvest, I cursed the wind that blew gusts in my face and pushed me backwards while my body strained to go forward. The canoe paddles offered relief to our exhausted legs, but soon gave way to aching arms as we raced to keep a good pace and finish strong.
I cried the entire last leg of the race--all seven miles, as I peddaled into the wind and prayed for God to hold the gusts for just a few more minutes. He didn't grant my request, but He did grant strength to finish the race that was set before me. That was a moment that I will never forget.
As I read this verse this morning with my kids as part of our Bible time, I couldn't keep myself from writing it on a note card and tacking it to the fridge.
I love to train.
I love the excitement of a race that is coming.
I love the challenge of pushing myself to new heights all the while encouraging my kids to join in the action.
The idea of training myself in godliness? Wow.
As I have chewed on this intense truth all day long, the beauty of this verse has captivated my heart.
Everything I can do is so temporary.
I ran 13 miles two and a half weeks ago, but due to a strained tendon in my left knee, I couldn't run 13 miles today.
Everything here is so temporary.
houses. cars. money. muscle tone. hair color.
And yet, often the temporary is what rules the eternal.
It is easy to put all of my energy into the temporary--cleaning the house, building up my miles...
and I neglect the eternal--time with God...time with my husband and kids....
We give God and righteousness very little thought.
We regard the Bible as little more than a good book of history with some great stories and some good principles.
We regard the everlasting covenant of "'Til Death Us Do Part" as something that is negotiable should our hearts lead us elsewhere.
In some ways, there are aspects of life that are hard to know how to train for.
When a child is diagnosed with cancer.
When a husband leaves his family.
When a wife cheats.
When the job is cut. the bills are late. the diagnosis is grim.
But at the same time, God's Word still prods us onward....
'Train yourself for godliness...for it is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and for the life to come.'
Train myself in faithfulness so when my heart is tempted to wander, His quiet voice will call me back.
Train myself in faith so when the phone call comes, my peace will not be shaken.
Train myself in obedience so when I feel the desire to rebel, His rod and staff will guide me back.
Train myself in kindness and humility, so when those slimy words roll off my tongue, His conviction will cause me to apologize.
As I walk with Him, I am learning that He is training me in Godliness.
I have no idea what this race I am running has in store for me or whether or not He will calm the winds when they torment me in my hour of weakness, but I do know that He will give me the strength I need to finish the race that is set before me. As I train myself in godliness, His faithful and ever abiding love will sustain me as I run this race with integrity giving Him glory in all things.
run hard.
finish well.
train in Godliness.