Monday, July 16, 2012

BEcause of Him alone

I have been invited to be the speaker for an entire of week of summer camp for glorious 7th and 8th grade kids next week. I am up to my elbows in study and preparation and I absolutely love the little nuggets of truth that rock my world and refocus my wandering heart. These little truths that I have read over a hundred times but reclaim my heart in a fresh, new way...something worth sharing. :) 

'For from Him
and through Him
and to Him
are all things. 
To Him be the glory forever. 
~Apostle Paul
Romans 11:36

Everything I have. Everything I am. Everything I hope to be. 
Everything is from Him. 
This simple yet profound truth frees me from the bondage of feverish toil and all the anxiety that comes with it. I am free to simply live well, love well and manage my gifts well. 

Everything I do. Everything I hope to do. 
Everything I can do and try to do I do through Christ. 
I have no will breath...
apart from Him. 
This releases me from the joy-stealing weight of feeling as though everything is up to me. 
I am free to do my best, bless others and live well through the power of Christ at work within me and the resources that He has given me. Nothing more. Nothing less. 

Everything I have. Everything I am. Everything I hope to be. 
Everything I do. Everything I hope to do. 
Everything I can do and try to do...
Is all for His glory. 
Not because He is an arrogant God, but because He is good and faithful and is worthy of highest praise and adoration. 
He has given me life today. He has given me hope today. He has freed me from the bondage of sin and shame and anxious toil, and has given me in their place the freedom to live well, love well and serve well. 

My heart is bowed low before Him not because He demands it but because that is the only response to the vast love that He bestows upon this undeserving little girl of His. 
To Him be all glory and all praise and all honor and all adoration. 
Forever and ever. 

BEcause of Him alone. 

1 comment:

  1. you have quite a task ahead of you Tiffany with those oh so impressionable minds of 7th and 8th graders. I know you will do well and I know this simply because I know you. I know your love for The Lord. I know your love for The Word of God. I know your love of children. I know your love for teaching. I know you...and for that I am ever so grateful. Thank you for being the wonderful daughter that you are and for sharing so much of your life with me and so many others. You will be , as you always are anyway, in my heart, thoughts, and prayers.
