Editors Note:
Forgive me for my blog of silence as of late.
I do intend on finishing my Letter to Learn From series of Philemon, but for now I must take you on a small rabbit trail.
I have been invited to share God’s Word this coming weekend at the Renew and Refresh Women’s Retreat. I have never shared back to back messages before, so my head is full as I prepare for this great honor of sharing God’s Word in such a setting.
I am so excited about what He is teaching me that I must share a bit of it with you this morning. I pray that it will encourage your soul the way it has encouraged mine.
Be blessed dear friend and thank you for the compliment of your time as you read.
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BWCA, August 2009 |
“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
not stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seats of scoffers;
but his delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on His law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water
that yields fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all the he does, he prospers.”
Psalm 1:1-3
Favored. Benefited. Covered. Prospered.
First, we must see is that sin is gradual.
First, a man walks in the counsel of the wicked.
The people you associate with at work. Initially, it is just banter at work. Listening to their interactions. Laughing at the obscenities. Not turning your ear away from the gossip or slander or crude language.
Nor stands in the way of sinners.
Eventually, you’re being invited to hang out Friday nights.
Then Saturdays too.
You are finding yourself enjoying the company....desiring the company....savoring the acceptance.
There is a sense of freedom almost.
So sick of trying to be ‘good’ all the time, these new found friendships free you from all of that. It is nothing overtly wrong...just a little good natured fun with people not ‘hung up on trying to follow a list church rules’.
As time passes, church attendance diminishes, these friendships replace those of the Sunday school friends.
The call of the bottle is loud, drowning out any sense of conviction...or at least trying to.
The pull of the party lures your soul away from the presence of God.
The taste of recklessness is on your tongue bringing with it a burning desire for more.
You are seated now.
Sin has taken root, given birth to sin and is now bringing forth death (James 1).
Death of integrity.
Death of relationships.
Death of peace.
No one wakes up one day and says,
“Yesterday I loved my wife, today I despise her. I am going to fulfill my needs in another.”
It is a slow fade. One miscommunication at a time. One selfish deed at a time.
Before you know it, the man you stood in front of and promised your undivided love to is not the same man you’re laughing with at work...you’re thinking about on your way home...you’re confiding in on lunch breaks.
How do we avoid this?
This is the part I love!
David writes:
‘BUT his delight is on the Law of the Lord
and on this law he meditates day and night.’ (v2)
First, this is not the law as you and I think about law.
A list of rules and regulations.
A pious rule book meant to break you down, control your life and remind you that you will never quite hit the mark.
No, no. Not this law.
The word Law that David uses here is actually referring to the covenant that God made with Moses.
A promise of peace, protection and favor.
This ‘law’ is actually the unmerited covenant that is set to remind His undeserving creation that God alone is our covering, our Redeemer and the One that goes before us and blesses us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 1).
This covenant promised God’s faithful covering over His people...
we must dwell within it.
God will never force His way upon us.
He invites us to take shelter beneath the covering of His wings.
Does He have ‘rules’? Sure He does.
Just as a Mama has rules for her child,
so does our Savior and Protector have rules for us to live by.
Rules to protect. Rules to preserve. Rules to bless.
The result?
You will be ‘like a tree, planted by streams of water that yields fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.’ (v3)
A stream of water.
Unaffected by the heat by day or the cold by night.
As we live with the intention of reading, memorizing, following and longing for the Truth of God’s Word, it will become to us the nourishment and the fulfillment that we so badly crave. It will become to us what a stream of water is to the lush foliage that it sustains.
God’s Word--His Law--His covenant of protection, blessing and peace--
is unchanging. unwavering. unaffected.
by the faithlessness of others.
disease. tragedy. adultery. idolatry. ignorance. recession.
God’s Word remains
and so can you.
As you find your nourishment, your strength, your identity, your hope, your peace, your value, your direction,
in the Word of God,
life can--and will--continue to happen around you,
but you will not be shaken
because you will be like a
planted by
streams of water.
The sun may strike by day.
The cold may linger through the night.
But your leaves will not wither.
Your life will continue to bear fruit.
God will sustain you. bless you. protect you. love you.
He is constant.
His Word is unchanging.
His covenant of love is unshakable.
Do not allow the ever changing landscape of life define who you are,
determine your self worth,
or be your promise of peace.
You are sure to come up longing for more and
aching for something certain.
Join me at the river.
Together, let’s taste and see
that the Lord is good.
His steadfast love endures forever.
This, for me, is your best post yet. Very exhorted I am.